Sunday was the last
Stitchin' Mission class at St. Mark's Church in Darling Point (Sydney). The entire series of lessons have couldn't have gone more smoothly, nor have been any more enjoyable to teach.
These two beautiful women, Di Bracey (left) and Di Jobbins (right) made it so. They are not only organizationed, generous, and extremely spirit-filled, but simply put, they are nice people! I am blessed to call each of them "my friend."

They gave me this...

No, not
the Opera House, but a beautiful card full of sentiments from Stitchin' Mission participants. I cherish every remark it contains.
And then, there were these unexpected pressies. Oz quilters will surely know what's inside this tin...

...a beautiful pair of scissors. These are the Australian version of stork scissors, with a kangaroo!

But the gift that knocked my socks off - Okay, not really. After all, it was 98 F (37 C) on Sunday, so I wasn't even wearing socks - is this book, "
The Fabric of Society: Australia's Quilt Heritage from Convict Times to 1960" by Annette Gero. I'd previously browsed through the pages, and longed for a copy. Those two thoughtful Di-s knew I would love it. It's a weighty tome, so if it taxes my luggage weight restrictions, it will be protectively carried home in my arms.

And thoughtful Cath, a Stitchin' Mission participant gave me this bundle of 20 Moda Marbles. Thank you, Cath!

All I can say is, these quilters make it even more difficult to leave Australia. Certainly not for the pressies, but for the welcome and friendship they've extended to this American stranger.
Being here has made me more cognizant of, and grateful for, our bonds. Quiltmaking of course, but also Christianity. Faith in God is what makes us one, no matter where in the world we live. I thank Him for His magnificent orchestration of our lives. Particularly for the technology that led Di Jobbins and me to swap emails; to Skype; and to arrange a Stitchin' Mission, and other quilt-related outings during my five week visit in Sydney. As a result, I'm blessed to count many new friends. It's been awesome.
Thank you, thank you! Hugs to everyone I've met. You are wonderful!