Sunday, January 7, 2024

Small Things

Time spent in the sewing room this week has been leisurely and therapeutic. It's been worthwhile to take time and assess the six... seven... eight WIPs lying about, and ask myself, "Which one do you want to play with?" and "Which one should be my first 2024 finish?" 

Looking at the 19 yards of fabric twine I made in December, I wondered how much I would use to make a small bowl. Since I've never made a rope bowl, this was new territory for me. Happily, it was an easy thing to sew. Just zig-zag stitch. I used gray thread.

It took eight yards of twine (twisted from 2" fabric strips) to make, so from the 19 yards I twined in December, I have leftover for another project.

Last September, after watching a sped-up Instagram reel about using scrap bag snippets to make a pouch, I made this. I call it a Confetti Zipper Pouch. 

You sprinkle tiny fabric scraps - confetti - onto a background, cover it with inexpensive bridal veil...

quilt it...

and sew it into a pouch. 

This week I made a couple more with boxy bottoms.

In this up-close picture, you can see that after straight-line quilting the piece on the right, the next one (on the left) I quilted with a serpentine stitch. I like them both. 

I think the secret to making these look good is using bits of black and white prints alongside the black and white striped zipper tape yardage from Sew Hungry Hippie.
Book Recommendation It's time to start another year of audiobook listening, reviewing and scoring.

My first Hoopla checkout (our library allows us only five Hoopla checkouts a month) was book #6 in the Chet and Bernie series by Spencer Quinn: The Sound and the Furry.

Once again, Bernie and Chet are on a missing person case. This time they're off to small-town Louisiana to find Ralph Boutette, the smarter, scientist brother of two other brothers, French, Lord, and Baron who are often on the wrong side of the law. In Louisiana, riding shotgun in Bernie's Porsche, Chet is surprised to see so much green, and water - the "Miss" - and an odd smell that's part snake, part pepper, and part poop. 

Bernie learns about a family feud between the Boutettes and Robideaus; hears about a stolen load of shrimp; meets the local vet who's concerned about oil-covered birds; and handling the beautiful wife of the imprisoned Frenchie Boutette. Chet is experiencing first-hand what it's like to meet Iko, the alligator. 

This one seemed a little bit better than previous stories, probably because I sympathized with Chet and what he was dealing with. Bernie never has any idea of what Chet's been through. 

Linda's score: 4.3/5.0
Are any of you having problems commenting on other blogs?

I use Google Chrome to comment on the blogs because my profile can be seen/read by the blog-writer (It doesn't work to use Google.) Everything has been working fine until about a month ago. Fairly regularly now, I get this notification when I hit the blue "publish" button.

I've learned to play it safe, and now copy a comment I've just written. That's because I find it sometimes works to close Blogger, reopen it, and go to the blog post again to paste and hit "publish." Yet, it occasionally still doesn't work! So I wait. And wait. And wait longer. Then hit "publish" one more time. Comments are still sometimes not publishing. Ergh! Do you have this problem too?



  1. The rope bowl looks interesting, I've outdone anything like this. You twisted your own, and others cover rope with fabric, it seems. I've always wondered just how difficult it would be to stitch together.

  2. I love the scrappy pouches I might have to give this a try

    1. Thank you for liking my Confetti pouches. I might write a blog post tutorial for one. Would that be helpful?

  3. What fun projects! When I saw the 'confetti' you used to make the pouches - which are darling by the way - I realized another reason for my 'extreme' fabric usage numbers.... I would never save such tiny bits. So those would add into my recycling numbers. Just saying. ;-/

  4. Wow, little jewel like treasures these zipper pouches, they're beautiful.

  5. I love both of your scrap projects. I've been wanting to make one of those covered laundry line bowls but never did. Now I want to make both bowls and those zipper pouches, but I'm committed to finishing up UFOs and not starting new things. You always tempt me with the fun projects. Decisions, decisions. Dar in Mo

  6. Such fun projects! Rope bowls are on my bucket list, I'm not there yet. lol Love your pouches, they look fun to make too. 'Failed to publish comment', I got that message once yesterday or day before. I just tried again and it worked. A Blogger bug?

  7. Fun projects to use up scraps!

  8. Love the rope bowl, Linda!! And the confetti bags! There's a famous Japanese quilter who makes scenery quilts using that confetti/tulle method. Go, Chet and Bernie!!! And yes, I've been having the same problem sometimes when commenting. I do the same thing--copy, reload and try pasting again. I wonder what changed to cause that glitch.

  9. I don't know anything about quilting yet thoroughly enjoy reading your blogs. :) Am in awe of your many talents. Can't wait to tour your workshop (a.k.a. heartshop)!

  10. You have been busy making from your lovely scraps! Love the bowl and the zippy pouches! With regards your commenting issue, have you tried clearing your cache. I belong to a art website which has little glitches like that and find that by clearing the cache on my laptop, the issue is resolved.

  11. I love the bowl Linda. Seems like a good use of the fabric twine. I'm also trying to finish some WIPs this year. Bound a quilt today that has been literally years in the making. So good to have that one completely done. Now I can gift it to a friend whose mother recently died.

  12. I love ❤️ your bowl and especially the scrappy confetti bags! Yes, a tutorial would be great and which bag pattern did you use? Thinking a different color netting overlay would be a different look too 🤗.

    1. As always, thank you for your generous compliments! You will see that I've posted a tutorial to make a Confetti Pouch Exterior. I didn't take the pouch any further than the outside because 1) I didn't use a pattern to make the pouch; and 2) so many free pouch patterns and tutorials are already available, particularly on YouTube, that I didn't want to be redundant. So, I pointed blog-readers to a particular YouTube video by Dandelion Stitches. I like your idea of using a different net color. You could also use different thread colors for quilting. Hmm... what about using all-white or low volume confetti fabric and quilting with variegated thread? Lots of possibilities, right?

  13. That's a scrappy happy bowl for sure. Good to know- 8 yards. I was going to ask how wide your strips were (and you answered it) because the twine looks "chunky" and has some heft to. And yes to a tutorial on the little confetti purses. Those are really cute. Ah, Chet- Chet doesn't care for the scent of snake. I wonder how he does with gator? Guess I'll have to listen to this one.

  14. Your tip to add black and white into a scrappy mix is very helpful. The B&W fabrics make all the colours 'pop' and also hold them all together.


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