Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Triple Zip-Along, Among Other Things

Though my activities might seem pretty quiet from your perspective, behind this blog, I'm rushing to and fro, keeping up with commitments and activities. Almost all of them are fun.  

Monday evening was the first-Monday-of-the-month Central Florida Modern Quilt Guild meeting. It was the third meeting for our chapter with 19 people in attendance. Though that number might seem small, enthusiasm was high. We're jumping into the deep end with activities, taking on swaps, and BOMs, and a great program for March. I'm really excited about our chapter because everyone who comes is excited too! We'd love it if you'd visit our CentralFloridaMQG blog and check out everything we're doing. While you're there, be sure to appreciate the beautiful logo/header created for us by Emma of ETM Creative, from Des Moines, Iowa (of course!).

If I can share this... I'm totally pumped because Violet Craft, designer of the Madrona Road fabric collection by Michael Miller Fabrics, actually commented on my blog when I posted about finishing my MQG Madrona Road Challenge quilt, "Buckles and Belts." A celebrity quilter came to visit little 'ole me!? I am so humbled. Since commenting, she also emailed to ask my permission to show my Madrona Road Challenge quilt on her blog, as one of her top ten favorites of the challenge. I'm trying not to be too wildly ecstatic about that! Ha!

Buckles and Belts is a quilt into which I put the best of what I know how to do - piecing, appliqué, FMQ and big stitch hand quilting. But it can't go without saying that I received really helpful design input from my dear friend, Carla at Lollyquiltz. There was at least one Skype session when I was hopping between talking to her on my MacBook and the design wall where I moved and arranged buckle blocks and solid strips of fabric! Her input was invaluable. And to think that Carla and I met through our blogs! I don't know how I'd get along without a friend like her - she in Missouri and me in Florida. I thank God, truly, for technology.

UPDATE: Thank you all for your encouragement and support during this challenge. Madrona Road Challenge winners have been posted. Buckles and Belts is NOT one of them.

This week has also seen me participate in Debbie's (AQuiltersTableTriple Zip-Along
The Triple Zip Pouch is 5-1/2" X 7".
If 277 people can join, I figured I can too. You know, you can't start making Christmas gifts too soon! 

Here's Debbie's tute, if you'd like to make one, or two.

Tripe Zip Pouch from the back
We learned this week that our dog, Hogan, needs surgery. He's a 9-1/2 year-old rescued beagle-chow who went into the animal shelter with BB shot near his left eye.

Long story short, he's been blind in that eye for several years. We've been giving him prescription eyedrops to prevent glaucoma, but the battle is lost. His ocular pressure has climbed, and he can't tell us he's been having headaches and pain. After a visit to the opthamologist in the veterinary school at the University of Florida (Gainesville), it's been decided to remove his eye. Surgery is February 20. We're already finding that we're more traumatized by this than he will likely be. No prosthetic eye for Hogan. Apparently they're high maintenance, with the dog continually needing antibiotics to prevent infection. His eye will be sewn shut. Hubby teasingly says he's going to blacken the eye area so we'll have "Hogan The Pirate"! Ar-r-r-gh.

Next week we're excitedly anticipating a five-day visit with our sweet 14 year-old granddaughter, Celina.

By herself, she's flying from Kansas City to Orlando. We'll spend one day at Universal Studios, having a blast at Islands of Adventure. I'm pretty sure I'm just as excited about visiting the Harry Potter activities as she is! I adore those books. Even more, I love having a grandchild visit! Linda


  1. Hey, that's really cool about Violet Craft. And don't you worry about Hogan. We went through a similar thing with our kitty, and a couple days after the surgery, he was soooo much better! I felt so bad that we hadn't had the eyeball removed earlier to take away the pain he'd obviously been in.

  2. That's fantastic!! But I'm not surprised that she noticed and wants to use your quilt - it's a favourite of mine from that challenge…

    I hope Hogan recovers quickly and that it's not too traumatic for any of you.

  3. I am privileged to be your friend, Linda, and you are sweet to say I had anything to do with that gorgeous quilt. You are the talent behind it all, my dear! I sure like those zippered bags and hope to make one sometime. I'm so sorry about Hogan's eye.

  4. I'm not surprised either about the interest your "Buckles and Belts" quilt is receiving, not at all in fact!!!
    Good grief, you are already making Christmas gifts ;). Love the triple zipper pouches. Will have to have a look at the tutorial. How funny that you dog is a beagle-chow. We are a "chow family" as my husband grew up with them and then we had one too. He passed away when we lived in China; my kids always insisted that he wanted to die in his "home land". We bought him when we lived in Indonesia and then he came with us to Taiwan, then Singapore and then China. He was a well traveled dog!

  5. Oh and I forgot to add, that I hope the OP will go well.

  6. You go girl! I knew your quilt would make it!!!!!!

  7. See.... I told you your Madrona Road would be a winner! And congratulations on having a celebrity visitor! Your triple zip pouches are perfect! Good luck to Hogan....we had a very much loved beagle once.

  8. I'm so excited for you. Your quilt getting recognition and your granddaughter visiting!! How can you stand it??

  9. That's so exciting about your quilt! Will it be in the Michael Miller booth at QuiltCon? If so, I'll take my pic with it. :)

  10. Sound like you are having fun with your new quilt group and love your triple zip pouches! They are still on my list. Hogan is so lucky to have both of you!

  11. Love both your triple zip pouches. Beautifully done!!

  12. Hi Linda, you know that I loved your quilt and even after I looked at the others I thought yours was beautiful and I think if the designer likes it as one of her ten favourites you should have been chosen. Any way you know how wonderful quilter you are so that is the important thing.
    I just finished reading the first Harry Potter book to my grandson(6 yrs) and I hope someday we take him to see it. I know you will have so much fun with your granddaughter. Take lots of pictures. Blessings Sandra

  13. I was so excited about your celebrity, so sorry to hear you didn't make it to the winner's circle. The quilt is really well done, don't give up.


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