Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Home Dec Sewing

Time has gotten away from me. I can't believe I didn't even post last week! Well, it's not because I was at the pool, or reading a good book (though I often listen to audiobooks while in my sewing room). I've been sewing. Funny how knowing you're going to have company (the first week of September), gets you to sewing those home dec items you've been meaning to make. Like place mats for the kitchen table.

The design I used is a free download called "Lines in the Sand," from Alissa Haight Carlton.

While most of you will tell me I'm crazy to have made white linen place mats - my husband sure didn't hold back his opinion! - I really like how these look on the table. The table top is dark, and the table legs and chairs are white, so it goes together beautifully.

Indeed, I made six of them. Batting is Quilter's Dream Fusion - the first time I've used this fusible batting - and it worked beautifully for this project. Each place mat is straight-line quilted at 3/8" intervals with 50-weight Aurifil, and I used the pretty undulating wave decorative stitch across the horizontal orange piece. The binding is Kona "Curry." Let me tell you, those yards of binding took a while!

To counter concerns about eating spaghetti on the front side of the place mats, we always have the option of turning them over. The tropical print really works in our tropical home.

The other item on my to-do list has been to make the fourth - and last - replacement pillow for our sofa and loveseat. The furniture came with four pillows covered with a brown-beige Tommy Bahama tropical print. To liven up the furniture, I chose orange as my go-to accent color. (See place mats above!)

This design is also by Alissa Haight Carlton. Are you catching onto how much I like her designs, with all those clean lines? This Pillow Pattern is another freebie on her blog.

Again, I used white linen, and also a beige linen. The orange print is Painter's Canvas. I made two of these 20" pillow tops, for the front and back of one pillow, slightly changing the color arrangements.

These required a lot of strip sewing and pressing. Since linen is a little heavier than quilting cotton, I decided to press open seam allowances. Boy, did I ever find it handy to have a Strip Stick

If you're not familiar with a Strip Stick, it's a muslin-covered stick (duh), that's curved on the top, and is an aid for pressing open seam allowances.

I have the 18"-long stick, and it worked a treat for this project.

As I did with the other three 20" pillows I made, this one has an 18" zipper and fabric covered cording around the outside. I like this side the best, because of the pop of green palm fabric.

The back is more subdued.

And here are all four finished pillows together. I definitely like the newest one the best. It's such a classic design. But I'm truly happy to have all four of them finished. Yikes! This really means I made eight pillow tops!



  1. Husbands they are so funny--just when you think they aren't paying attention to anything we do they surprise us. They are lovely--beautiful fabrics

  2. Love your projects Linda! And especially the orange!! Did you know I've made those placemats too? Such fun...I love browsing Alissa's tutorials!

  3. And has your husband commented yet that there is no where to SIT on the couch?!! ;-)) They look beautiful together anyway!

  4. I too am inspired when company is coming! Your pillows turned out great, a nice colorful punch to your couch!

  5. I love this post!! What lovely décor items you've put together with the fun colors. The white linen is very striking, and that's the perfect solution to have the floral print to use on the flip side for Danger Meals.

  6. Boy, do those pillows add a huge pop of color.

  7. Those placemats do look lovely on your kitchen table and good idea to have a more hardwearing fabric on the back. I love your new cushion too. The orange and green is a great combination.

  8. These are all so special. I love the place mats and the pillow lineup is dreamy. Beautiful colors.

  9. Love the pillows, and what awesome placemats - agreed, they look great on your table!! I've never heard of that pressing aid....interesting!

  10. Your new home is looking so perfectly co-ordinated, Linda, with your bright and cheery cushions and elegantly modern placemats. Worth all the care you took!

  11. Great new projects to accent your home. You got done just in time- Sept. is not far off! And how the heck did that happen? I know what you mean about time flying by. So many things to stitch- so little time.

  12. Thanks for the tip about the strip stick, I think I need one of these. Your place mats look great in cream! And the cushions really make the sofa.

  13. Your projects are wonderful! I have never heard of the strip stick--I learn about the most interesting notions/gadgets from you!

  14. I love the punches of bright color but those white placemats wouldn't last one meal here with my 2 messy kidlets.

  15. I love the bright colors Linda - looking at your placemats and pillows definitely makes me think Florida! blessings, marlene

  16. pretty! so are your skirts in the other post.

  17. They are all so fun and cheerful looking. I like your last one best, too, something about the clean lines in the pattern appeals to me. Your placemats are great as well!

  18. Just went back and saw this post and am in love with the last pattern. That is such a great pattern for a pillow or anything, really that you want to use it for. Sure wish I had all my UFOs more under control so I could make some of these great ideas that you are inspiring me to do! Good think I didn't find you back when I started quilting 30+ years ago, or I would have twice as many projects going. I so love your design ideas.


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