Monday, February 24, 2014

A Quilter's Giveaway - Now Closed

Do you free motion quilt on a domestic sewing machine? If so, do I have some handy tools to tell you about!

I came across the company Accents in Design about three years ago when another quilter whose domestic machine quilting I admire - Wendy of IvorySpring - blogged about a curved ruler she uses. I bought the curved ruler, used it to quilt a section of Snowflake Medallion, and forgot about it in the shuffle of moving.

Recently, wanting to quilt lines, I pulled out my little 1" X 6" Omnigrid ruler. I placed the ruler alongside the sewing machine foot, but as I tried to quilt, the ruler kept slipping under the sewing machine foot.

That's when I had the "ah-ha" moment, remembering rulers with handles on them! I found the Accents in Design website, and low and behold... Straight line rulers, 1/4"-thick, in three lengths! And a special price for buying all three at once. So I did.

After getting them, I posted a couple pictures on Instagram, and a short video of how I used a ruler. I quickly realized that not many FMQers are familiar with these. It was just like Karen at NanaGirlQuilts blogging about her super-cool sewing machine light. I read that post, and now own the light and couldn't be without it!

Below are my pictures using my "Fine Line" rulers. But the best information is on the Accents in Design website. Especially the video for domestic machine quilters. You'll easily catch on to how the rulers work.

Domestic machine quilters are accustomed to using both hands - palms and fingers - to move the quilt beneath the needle. With a ruler under the left hand, pressure is put on the ruler to move the quilt. Quilting vertically is easy.

What you need to know is that the size of your quilting foot determines where to position the ruler. With my Pfaff Grand Quilter foot, I position the ruler about a half-inch from where I want to quilt. I eyeball where I want a line to be and then align the ruler with the free motion quilting foot. 

Quilting horizontally is also doable. Note the lines on the ruler. Those are guides for repeating lines.

Look what a nice, straight line I was able to stitch! No stitch regulator either.

For newer quilters wondering whether they can used these rulers, I would say yes! If you're comfortable with basic free motion quilting like stippling or some other all over designs, you've had enough experience to try a Fine Line ruler.

As with all quilting though, it takes practice. Using a continuous curve ruler takes a little more patience. 

No problems moving the continuous curve ruler vertically or at an angle.

The horizontal curve needs a little more coordination. Note the lines on the curve ruler too, for repeating curves at intervals.

Honestly, using a ruler makes me feel like I'm quilting like the "big girls!" Ruler work is for domestic machine quilters too! And happily for long arm quilters, these Fine Line rulers work for you too!

If you're intrigued by how these rulers might help you improve your quilting, you should be.

If you'd like to enter to win a set of rulers, you should! This giveaway is now closed.

Thanks to Carol at Accents in Design, I'm able to offer two chances to win. The first winner gets to choose either:
a set of three straight line rulers - 6", 8" and 12" long
a set of three continuous curve rulers - 6-1/2", 10", and 12-1/2" long
The second winner gets the other set.

This giveaway is open internationally. Simply leave a comment for one chance to win. Winners will be selected Friday, February 28. Linda This giveaway is closed.

Note! As of Tuesday, 69 people have commented to enter this giveaway. Of that number 20 commenters are "no-reply." This means that I have no way of contacting you if your name is chosen. Please either change your profile setting to allow your email address to appear in the comment I receive from you, or include your email address. 

In good news, odds are in favor of 49 valid commenters!


  1. Wow, I'm the first one to comment. I would love to win one of these rulers. Thanks Linda and also Carol at Accents by Design for a great give away. I'm keeping all my fingers crossed.

  2. Oooh very cool looking rulers! I especially love the curved ones, I could have fun with those!

  3. Ooooo pick me!!! I'm dying to try these!!! Especially with my new found free hand quilting skills!! ;)

  4. How fun! I would love to try a set of these. Thanks for a chance!

  5. What a great tool! I've never heard of it...thanks for a chance to win.

  6. I TRY to FMQ on my domestic machine! These sound like a handy set of rulers. I must give using a ruler a try!

  7. These look pretty interesting I am going to go and check out the video. Which ones do you think you would use the most? How many tries before you got the hang of them?

  8. This is one giveaway I am not going to miss out on, I tried and succeeded to quilt using a normal quilting ruler, but its hard to have a decent grip and think this is a great tool! I have not seen these in any local shops here, (South Africa) so I am crossing my fingers. Thanks for the chance (hugs)

  9. What great FMQ tools! The finger handles would provide a more solid grip than a regular ruler which I've tried with limited success. I'd love to give them a try and will definitely check out your links if I don't win (in order to purchase them). Thanks for the tip and giveaway. svonfumetti at yahoo dot com

  10. I already read you do… i was so impatient that I didn't read it till the end… LOL

  11. The video does give a great overview of how to use the rulers. I can see that your finger placement mirrors hers and it makes sense as to why you hold it that way. Great give away! I'd love a chance to win!

  12. Oh, what a brilliant idea--I would love to try these!

  13. What an information-packed post! Thanks for the chance to win one of these ruler sets. I'd go for the curved set first, but either is certainly useful. I'm off to watch the videos. And to look for that light- cannot get enough light! Many thanks for the chance.

  14. This is going to be my year to apply myself to get better at free motion machine quilting and these rulers look perfect! Whether I win or not, I think I need to look into these. Thank you, Linda and Carol, for having this great giveaway. I have all my fingers and toes crossed :-)

  15. Linda, that sounds great these rulers and do I understand right, that you are still freemotion, feed dogs down?

  16. Those look fantastic! I am looking forward to trying those, one way or another! Lol

  17. Thanks for the info! I'm buying a straight ruler right now, so I'd go for the curved! :-)

  18. The curved rulers look interesting. I'm a fledgling ruler work quilter and eager to find rulers that actually work!

  19. Thanks so much for posting and especially the photos and descriptions of how you use these rulers on a domestic sewing machine. Up until now I hadn't been able to wrap my brain around how I was going to be able to use the ruler and also keep the quilt aligned and guide it, not having a third hand! Off to watch the video now.

  20. I've never seen these rulers before - I'd love to try them!

  21. I would love to win. Exciting there is a product for a "normal" machine

  22. Count me in! I need all the help I can get :) Thank you for the giveaway!

  23. These sound wonderful, and very helpful!!

  24. I would love to learn to use one of these rulers.

  25. Thanks for intro to these rulers! Even if I don't win I'm going to add these to the gift wish list I keep for my family's reference! Got a birthday coming up, ya'll!

  26. Either set look good.

  27. You already know I am very intrigued by these rulers. Thanks for sharing, I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

  28. I love these rulers. I haven't been able to afford to buy some yet, but I've been eyeing them for possibilities. I'm a new quilter, so any help I can get is most appreciated! Thank you for your inspiring and informative posts.

  29. Well, I suppose I could give these a try! They may well help my machine quilting? Thanks for the chance to win one! I'd better go for the straight lines- I don't think my skills would cope with the curves!

  30. I would love to win these! I have been eyeing long arm quilters ruler work and it is good to know that they work on domestic machines too. Thanks!

  31. I would love to win these rulers. I haven't heard of them before, but they look great. I can use all the help I can get. Thanks for the giveaway!

  32. Pick me, pick me!
    Great post Linda. Answered all my questions.
    I've just ordered a 6" curved one and can't wait to try it.

  33. Would love to win. Thanks for the chance. Hugs,xx

  34. yes, that would be exactly what I need ... I have more free motion quilting and the straight lines are there always a problem ... that would be the solution ... I hope I have luck :-)

  35. I'd love to try these rulers - thanks for the giveaway.

  36. Linda, I've enjoyed your blog and winning fmq rulers would be amazing!! Your quilts are beautiful!

  37. Linda Thanks for sharing about these rulers! This is the first time I've seen these!!! They do look as though they would be a great help and really fun to play with! :)

  38. What a great idea!! Thank you for the chance to win.
    I'm off to look at the videos.
    Thank you for the link with the light too.

  39. This is a nice present! I would like to win one of these great rulers.
    I think, even without your new tools, you're already "one of the big girls "!!

  40. I would love to win one of these rulers! What a great idea!

  41. This is very exciting stuff! I've heard you can use rulers on a domestic machine - I've just never been brave enough to try it.

    If I win, that will be the perfect excuse to give it a go!

  42. These rulers look amazing - I was trying to free motion some straight lines the other day and ended up with a lot of "reverse sewing"....thanks for the tip on these Linda - I love blogland for the things I have learned over the years!

  43. I've never tried using a ruler for machine quilting. It sounds like a great idea, especially the curved rulers.

  44. I would love to try these rulers. I love the idea of making straight or curved even lines without changing my foot or raising my feed dog

  45. Great giveaway! Thanks for the chance. Lisadcox1 at yahoo dot com

  46. So I've visited the site about 10 times since you mentioned these in Instagram, but haven't pulled the trigger yet. Guess I will wait until after this fun giveaway to add them to my shopping list! Thanks for the chance :)

  47. Wow Linda this is great. I watched your IG video and thought the rulers were very interesting. I guess it will take practice just like learning FMQ did.

  48. WOW! I have no seen these rulers before and I am impressed! Would love to give them a workout!

  49. This would be amazing to win! I'm still a newbie to quilting and sewing so these would be great tools to have. Thanks for a great chance.

    Maggie Armstrong
    auntmaggierocks at yahoo dot com

  50. wow...never thought about using rulers to guide my quilting...and these nifty ones with handles would be a prized possession for sure. It would be great to have a set in my possession...will hope to be one of the 'winners' but if not then they'll be on my 'wish list' for some future purchase.

    in stitches,
    Lynda D.

  51. Sign me up! I would like to try those!!!!!

  52. wow. They look like they would be a great help. Not heard about them befor. Would be nice to win the curved ones. Cheers jo :-)

  53. What a great giveaway. I've been a DSM free motion quilter from way back, but never did figure out how to use a ruler. Now I do both Longarm and DSM (for tablerunners and small baby quilts) and would love to win the curved ones. Throw my name in the hat please and thanks to you and Carol at Accents by Design for the chance to win them.

  54. Thanks for telling us about these rulers. I had not heard of them previously. Great giveaway!

  55. I'll have to consider these rulers for all my quilting.

  56. I would love to try the curved rulers - thanks for the chance to win.

  57. I would love to try either set of rulers - though I had never thought of using rulers to fmq straight lines. I have been swapping feet and turning the quilt - i can see that the rulers would help my shoulders!

  58. These rulers look awesome. I can't sew. A straight (or curved) line without wobbling lol. I think these rulers might just help me to be a neater quilter.
    Thanks so much

  59. What awesome tools for the home machine quilter. Thanks for a chance to win!

  60. The rulers look great. I watched the two video links and the rulers seem easy to hold. Would love to win them.

  61. Oh so excited! I am going to order these if I don't win. I had been looking for them but not knowing the name of the company. I just had tried my little ruler too and that did not work. Thanks so much!

  62. These rulers look like a fabulous tool for domestic quilters. I'm in Australia and it takes ages for new gadgets to filter through to our shops so thanks for highlighting them. Also thanks Linda and Carol at Accents by Design for the giveaway.

  63. I would really love to win these rulers. Thanks for the opportunity and the information. We can always use a new gadget in the sewing room.

  64. Wow! How nice of Carol to offer this giveaway. Thanks for coordinating it, Linda. I would certainly be interested in trying these out!

  65. These look fabulous! I hope I win. But I still want to come for a hands-on lesson with you!

  66. I am fascinated by these rulers. Would really like to have the chance to trial them. Thank you so much for your giveaway.

  67. As Ive only ever stippled my quilts this might be just the thing to move me out of my comfort zone :)

  68. What a great post and I would love to win these! I use a vintage 15-91 Singer for my free motion quilting and it would be neat to use these! Thanks1

  69. thanks so much for having this giveaway open internationally - it means I can enter ! these sound like fabulous tools and I might be at the stage where I can use them :) thanks for the chance to win !

  70. So nice to know about these. Thanks for sharing all the links. I'm going to check them out.

  71. Oh I've never even heard of these but then again I'm brand new to quilting (I'm about to start the quilting portion of my first quilt!) - I'm be very excited to one them though :)

  72. I bet the rulers would greatly improve my quilting skills!

  73. What a great tool!

  74. How cool! You give good info/tips on using the different rulers! Now to get a set in my hot little hands!! Thanks so much!

  75. The rulers look like a wonderful idea. Your post about them is very informative too. Thank you.

  76. Thanks Linda for both the info on how to use the rulers and also for the opportunity to win some

  77. Wow, what an amazing product. I'd love to be in the draw to win some of these. Thank you.

  78. Thank you for telling me about your giveaway Linda. This would be great! I usually stipple so it would be nice to branch out into more intricate quilting on my home machine. :)

  79. What a treat it would to win these rulers. Hanks for having such a fun giveaway

  80. What a clever idea, I would love to be the winner of either of these wonderful little gadgets. Thanks Linda and Carol.

  81. Silly me. Forgot my contact email- I still would love to become a "BigGirl" quilter!! Also Thanks for letting us know about these wonderful rulers. Teena.

  82. Your quilting is lovely - it would be great to try these!

  83. Well, I'm not very good at this free motion thing, but I'll pop my name in the bucket -- just in case : )

  84. You are my muse!

    Of course I'd love to win one of these sets--if I could choose it would be the straight line rulers. I was working on my quilt, flipping and flopping that thing around b/c I was using my walking foot. It would have gone so much better if I'd had these rulers.

    Thank you for showing us the way---

    :) Elizabeth

  85. Looks like great rulers, thanks for the giveaw

  86. These rulers look like a fabulous tool for domestic quilters. I'm in Australia and it takes ages for new gadgets to filter through to our shops so thanks for highlighting them. Also thanks Linda and Carol at Accents by Design for the giveaway.

  87. I hadn't realised rulers worked well on DSMs; it's one of the few reasons I still covet a long arm! SO I would absolutely love to win some and try them out!

  88. Wow,what great tools. I'd love to win either set but would prefer the curved ones. Thanks for the info and for such a great prize.

  89. Those look like wonderful tools but I guess I had better learn to do FMQ first. Have quilted a fee quilts with straight line and diagonal quilting and one quilt with curvy lines that turned out quite well. I thought I would tackle free motion quilting this winter but it is too cold and my arthritis in my hands is full blown . Hugs Sandra

  90. Hi Linda,
    just in case ;-)
    my e-mail is:

    Thanks for the chance


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