Friday, September 20, 2024

QuiltFest JAX (Jacksonville)

Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, September 19-21, 436 quilts were on display at the Prime Osborne Convention Center. I had the privilege of attending on Thursday, and spent all my time viewing 77 quilts in the Modern Category (a new category this year), spending time with a few friends, and shopping from my list among vendors. 

The first place modern winner was made by Janel Bendis of Jacksonville.

In the modern category, second place, third place, and honorable mention were awarded to my friend Candi Lennox @candipursuits, a member of the JAX MQG.

The judge was impressed with Candi's domestic machine walking foot quilting. Candi said it's a design in Jacqui Gering's book Walk 2.0.

On the right is one (of two) quilts for which she didn't receive a ribbon.

Candi was also awarded a ribbon in the Small Quilts category. 

It was special seeing again friends from a relatively new MQG chapter - Palm Beach MQG. Sherry made this quilt during a Modern Quilt Studio (Single and Kerr) quilt along. 

Susan Skatoff is the founder and president of the Palm Beach MQG, and this is the first quilt she's ever entered in a show! She won a "Judges Recognition" ribbon. 

Along with three other members of Central Florida MQG, we entered a total of six quilts in the show. Two of them were mine. Neither won a ribbon.

This is Alternate Route made in a "Dancing With the Wall" workshop with Irene Roderick. It was a 2024 QuiltCon "reject." 

Feelin' Groovy is my maximalist quilt that did appear at QuiltCon 2024 in Raleigh. 

I really appreciated receiving the judge's (Mary Garda) thoughtful comments. I learned that both of my quilts made the "first round" and were among 30 quilts designated "hold" for reconsideration. And my Feelin' Groovy maximalist quilt went through a second "hold" for "stationary quilting." 

If you'd like to see more show pictures, including a link to all QuiltFest winners, go HERE.

From show vendors I picked up a few needed items: Aurifil thread, glue stick refills, and two packages of purse zippers with tabs. Only one piece of fabric, a black and white stripe, came home with me. 

What I found fascinating was a new (to me) product: Carolina Moore Glow Ruler. This 6½ square ruler actually has an LED light that lights up lines and numbers. And it's rechargeable! With a $58 price tag, I'll pass. What will quilt makers think of next?!

A quilt retreat is in my near future. I've made a list, and six projects will accompany me. Three of them are no-sewing-machine projects. Let's see how much I accomplish! Linda

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