Sunday, November 5, 2023

Finger Paints Quilt Finish

I began making blocks in Laura Loewen's @quiltfortco Finger Paints QAL the first week of September 2021. Though the top has been pieced for many months, it took me way too long to get to domestic machine quilting, and finishing. 

Finger Paints is 66" X 66". I like it, though I don't think I was successful in the piecing. When we started, we could either use a ruler to precision-cut pieces, or eye-ball/improv cut.

I opted for improv cutting, but found myself eyeballing sizes too carefully. Rather than being "off" enough to call it improv, I was off enough to call it "poorly precision-pieced." Ha! Some HST corners meet precisely; some don't. 

For quilting, I began with ruler quilting and then filled in with free motion quilting, using about eight different thread colors in the process. 

Gray 40-weight Presencia thread in the bobbin. If you click on the photos, you can see the quilting designs. 

Binding is four different solid colors, one on each side. 

Once again, I nabbed one of my quilting friends at Big Cypress Quilters to hold my quilt while I took pictures. Thank you so much, Flo! (She's a fellow Iowan too!)

I'm happy to have Finger Paints done.

Now I have one more top to quilt and finish - the Summercamp Modern Mystery Quilt. Piecing a backing for it is up next. For certain I'll be cobbling scraps together.

Though I didn't need to participate in Saturday's MQG International Scrap Sorting Day - my print and solid scraps are already sorted separately by color - I'll use the MQG's "Use it: Quilt Back Challenge," running from November 13 through December 8, to piece that backing. Win-win! Linda


  1. Bright and lively! Interesting thought that improv needs to look off enough to be improv rather than missed-the-mark precision piecing. Had not considered that before. And a day for scrap sorting- that's smart because it makes it more intentional.

  2. This one is on my 'some day' list too, and I could totally relate to the not-quite-improv-enough feel. I tend to trim everything to make assembly easy so I'll have to remember to relax my cutting much more than usual so that I get that improv feel. Your is beautiful, none the less.

  3. Well I think it's awesome and think it's just delightful. Love the four colors of binding!

  4. I love it Linda- improv or not! I think it is the colour palette and how the colours play off one another that really appeal. Do you have a plan for it or is it going to storage cupboard? I'm sure there would be a grateful recipient out there!

  5. Such beautiful colors! Congratulations on your finish!

  6. Love the bright colors and the pattern! I think your cobbled together backing will be beautiful! A two sided quilt 😻. Are you aiming to delete your stash and then buy more?

    1. Thanks on both counts, Pamela! Wish I could take credit for the design which is totally Laura Loewen's. As for the colors, I roughly based my choices on her suggestions, though I deviated to try to add more orange. Anyway, I'm happy with the finish, and will be giving it away. As for piecing a backing, I've joined the MQG's "Use it: Quilt Back Challenge" - I signed up today - and will happily make a two-sided quilt. Yes, I'm aiming to delete my stash to the point that I buy fabric ONLY if I need it. I intend to keep the supply low, so my children don't have to deal with stashed fabric after I die. :-)

  7. That is a fun and colorful quilt!! your different quilting on it is so cool - there is so much to look at!

  8. Oh how I just adore this quilt! Chock full of colour, lovely!

  9. Fingerpaints is high on my list. I made one block improv style and it stressed me out, so I won't be doing that again. :)Yours is really pretty.

  10. Such a bright colourful quilt, one someone will adore!

  11. Sometimes you just have to say "A good quilt is a done quilt". It's beautiful even if you are somewhat dissatisfied with it.

  12. Your version of Finger Paints uses such a nice palette of colors. I laughed at the comment from you about it being "poorly precision-pieced" rather than improv pieced. That would be me too. Not loose enough for it to look improv.

    1. Thank you so much for saying FP has a nice color palette! I did change-out a few colors, from those suggested by Laura Loewen, the designer. And yes, I'm glad you get what I'm talking about with my imprecision. However, I'm not too concerned because I plan to gift it soon to a friend who doesn't sew. She's sweet and will be happy to have it, I'm pretty sure. Love giving a quilt to someone who doesn't expect one.


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