Thursday, July 27, 2023

Travel Embroidery, Big Stitch Progress

We've just returned home from a long car trip to Kansas City and back. During car-riding time, hand embroidery occupied my time. I opted to work on embroidery rather than wrestle my Prudence EPP project that I'm joining in jig-jaggy rows.

So far, I've mostly backstitched all the outlines of this piece, enlarged and traced from a Sariditty (Sarah Thomas) "sketch quilting" coloring book. Only the top right candy ribbon is chain-stitched. 

I plan to add other stitches - X's, running stitch, lazy daisy, French knot, and stem - to embellish it further. 

Before leaving home, I was still adding big stitch hand quilting to my improv quilt, Alternate Route. I jumped ahead and finish the edges - a faced finish - because I was tired of using a sticky roller to remove all the batting fluff that seemed to be showing up only on the Patriot blue fabric!

I've stitched blue perle cotton onblue fabric; six-strand floss lavender on lavender fabric; blue perle cotton on lavender fabric; and lavender six-strand floss on blue fabric. 

I'm not sure how I'll know when I've added enough stitching, but at the rate I'm going, I'll probably use-up what little of each thread color remains - size 8 DMC perle cotton and Cosmos six-strand embroidery floss. I've been separating each strand of floss, putting it together again, and then waxing it with Sew Fine.

Book Recommendation
Lightening Strike
 by William Kent Krueger takes place along the Iron River, along the Boundary Waters of Northern Minnesota. Cork O'Connor, the new sheriff of Aurora, Minnesota, is reminiscing about the summer of 1963, when he was 12.

While on a hike through the woods, Cork and his friend Jorge, come across the body of their friend, Big John Manydeed. Though it looks like Big John  committed suicide, Cork's dad, Sheriff Liam O'Connor works out that it's not. 

Cork shouldn't be involved in the case, but he and his friends overhear conversations, have experiences, and learn things that help Liam in the search for a killer.

This is a story about a loving family, in spite of differences with Dilsey, Cork's Native American grandmother; a young boy coming of age; and resentments in a community of Native Americans and Whites.

Lightning Strike is the prequel to William Kent Brueger's "Cork O'Connor" series. I'm hooked! Iron Lake is the next title in the series. 

Linda's score: 4.3/5.0

Dirty Laundry
 by Disha Bose takes place in Ireland where three women and their children interact in ways that are seemingly pleasant, but with underlying animosity and distrust. It's about love and distrust.

Ciara is the beautiful mom with the perfect family and gorgeous home that are Instagram-worthy; Mishti is the quiet mother from Calcutta who adores her daughter, but has a not-so-perfect, arranged marriage; and Lauren is the unmarried, laid-back mom ("earth mom") with three children whose partner is a great dad.

Yet as nice as this all looks from the outside, every one of them has a reason to dislike and resent Ciara whose well-planned, picture book life is falling apart.

Linda's score: 3.9/5.0

Today's daily devotional and prayer is just what I need. Maybe you too? Linda


  1. Love all the handwork you are doing. Curious why you separate the floss then put it back together - ?

  2. ooooh! I love the texture on your improv quilt. It adds so much to the overall appearance. Wish I was motivated to try hand stitching on one of my quilts but I don't think it's in me. Your embroidery has given me an idea though. I can think of some coloring book images I would like to embroider. Who knows. Perhaps I'll try it sometime. I really enjoyed all the Cork O'Connor books. I'm now reading my second Charles Martin book after reading your reviews.

  3. Thsts a very pretty embroidery piece you are working on.

  4. Linda, I love your handwork! That quilt...well, once again I am blown away by your talent as a quilter. Exemplary.
    Love the prayer....oh yes, how much more we need Him each and every day, and even more the changes required in ourselves to grow more like Jesus.

  5. Your hand stitching is inspiring Linda! I really love the big stitch quilting on "Alternate Route"!

  6. Lovely embroidery work Linda and your hand stitching on your improv is super.

  7. Beautiful embroidery stitching and the added hand stitching on the blue piece adds some great detail.

  8. Your embroidery piece is beautiful, backstitching is my favorite stitch, easier for me than the outline. I love handwork 🥰Your improv quilt is too cool, my eyes are drawn from one part to the next😻

    1. Hi there! Thanks for liking my embroidery piece. Like you, my favorite stitch is backstitch, though I will admit that it was difficult to see the stitched hole, and aim right into it, while bumping along in the car. Still, I'm looking forward to adding extra, different stitches to this piece, to give it more character. And thanks too for liking my improv quilt. I'm coming down the home stretch on that one, and am planning to enter it into QuiltCon. Will see where that goes, or not. Hope you've had a great week!

  9. You made a good deal of progress on your trip, Linda. It's looking beautiful and I really like the blue fabric for a background. The Big Stitch is also looking good. Nice problem solving with the batting migration- of course it got on the blue where you'd be sure to notice and be distracted. That's a lovely prayer!

  10. Such an interesting embroidery piece! And it's nice to have entertainment in the car--it's a long way to Kansas!

  11. I love your embroidery!!! I took some embroidery with me on our recent camping trip, so fun!!! And your daily devotional is so beautiful!!! Thank you :^)


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