Friday, July 7, 2017

Passive Planning

For more than a week now, I've been really good about not using my left wrist. It hasn't improved much. It's definitely still swollen in spite of 600 mgs of ibuprofen three times a day, and icing it four to five times a day. I have my annual physical next Wednesday, so I'll have an opportunity to talk with the doc about it.

On Independence Day I did a little test, and tried free motion quilting. Even though I didn't used my left hand to press hard on the quilt sandwich, my wrist was sore later. So, it's been back to TV-watching and listening to an audio book - I want to highly recommend "Truly Madly Guilty" by Liane Moriarty. It's a real page-turner... if I was turning pages! 😂

I also sewed up nine 4" leaders and enders blocks. How much could that really hurt? Hmm. It did. So I stopped. But my design wall looks good with my growing collection on it!

Do you know how much I hate inactivity?! I don't do nothing well. So I've done some planning.

Using EQ7, I'm designing another all-solids quilt for our latest Central Florida MQG challenge. This challenge has us picking up any magazine, other than a quilting one, and choosing a page between 48 and 52 to use as inspiration for a quilt. Funnily, I'm going with a colorful ad for L'Oreal Wrinkle Expert. Should be good, huh? Every day I'm becoming more of a wrinkle expert!

I bought the digital download to make the Zip Up Tray Pouch, and have all the makin's for two of them ready to go. I see that South Florida MQG is making these at their sew day on Saturday, July 8.

I'm looking forward to sewing this fabric. It's "Bindi," one of the Outback Wife barkcloth prints made by Ella Blue. This fabric is in demand for dressmaking, so when I found it at Valli and Kim Quilt Shop in Dripping Springs, Texas, I bought enough for a dress for myself. 

Simplicity #8294 is a must-have for this fabric. Gertrude Made (find her on Instagram) is the Australian farm wife who specifically designed the pattern for barkcloth. JoAnn Fabrics has all Simplicity patterns for $1.99 today, Saturday, and Sunday. Otherwise, the pattern is $12.57. Yep, I'm a frugal shopper when I want to be. 

Online shopping is something I can do when my wrist can't play the ukulele, quilt, sew, or crochet, so I have a few items headed my way:
Tula Nova quilt
I'm not a fan of Tula Pink fabrics (not fond of the animal designs), but I definitely like this quilt. I'm think of making mine mostly of solids, but perhaps add a few prints in strategic places. This will be a long-term handwork project, whenever I get the use of both hands again. Sigh.

Yes, I'm feeling sorry for myself. I haven't attended any of my usual quilting activities - Big Cypress Quilters, or the Central Florida MQG Sew Day tomorrow - or been to Ukulele Players Club or touched my uke for three weeks. 

Have I mentioned? I don't do nothing well. And now you also know that I whine.

But don't you like how I enabled you to join in my shopping excursion with all those hot links?! 😂Let me know if you buy or make one of these things too. 👌 Linda 


  1. So sorry to hear your wrist injury isn't healing as quickly as you hoped. I hope a little more time will take care of it and you can get back to all your favorite activities. Been dealing with something similar lately but have been able to keep it under control enough that I can machine quilt for at least short periods of time. That bark cloth fabric and pattern look like a fabulous pairing!

  2. I'm in your club Linda, I don't do nothing well either. I hope you can get over the injury, how painful and very annoying. But sounding like my mother, do the rest and don't use it part well, and you will heal faster. No help I know. Just finishing off a knitted teddy, I have to knit his little jacket, but I could resist crocheting him a little scarf. Will post picture when all done.

  3. I would be down right crabby.
    Just keep piddling around. I hope it gets better, or perhaps you can ask the doc for a hand transplant?
    Stay cool

  4. Our pastors started a sermon series on suffering based on the book of Job, and one of the points was, it is OK to lament, so whine, lament all you want to. I've learned there is a balance in doing all the things we like to do. Everything in moderation. Blessing for healing.

  5. You are too funny. I did like all the hot links. I hope your inactive phase doesn't last too much longer.

  6. I certainly hope you wrist comes good soon Linda! It must be very frustrating for you! I have read most of Liane Moriarty's books. I see a little Australian connection here.... "Outback Wife" is beautiful, isn't it? Out of my price range, I am afraid! The zip up tray looks interesting! Off to check it out....

  7. So sorry about your sore wrist, but I assume that it was an expected outcome of your op? It's OK to winge, it is sore after all, and you have lots of plans for when you and the said wrist is up and raring to go again.
    Take care.

  8. What a bummer! I don't 'do nothing' well either so I have compassion for what you're going thru! Ugh! I'm anxious to hear/see about the zip up tray - I've been wanting to try that!

  9. Oh poor you! It just goes to show how much we rely on both our hands. Luckily online shopping can be done one-handed ;)! I hope your hand will heal fast with all the plans you've been making. I've got my eyes on Tula Nova too and a friend of mine made the zip up tray and she said it was a bit fiddly, so not for me! I also listen to "Truly Madly Guilty" and enjoyed it as I did Liane Moriarty's other books.

  10. I too, am sorry that the wrist vessels are not healing FASTER. I have to make a real effort to keep my wrist straight when I sleep. I find I curl up and that includes the wrist. Perhaps if you went to some of your activities being with the people would help..... I know you can sing without moving your wrist...hehe

  11. You are so delightful. I enjoyed this post, unfortunately at your expense ;)! Your design wall looks great. I can't imagine not being able to sew. I don't do nothing well, either. But there's always something, as you've found. I've written that title down. I'm always looking for a good audio book, so thank you for sharing. Feel better soon!

  12. I don't know what your injury is specifically, nor do anecdotal stories apply to everyone, but when I had my tendonitis (a sidelight of the shoulder surgery), I put on the wrist brace as they suggested. Interesting, it did more damage than when I left if off and was just incredibly careful. Again, I don't know if our injuries were similar, but is this something you might try? Somehow the metal bar inside the brace irritated what it was trying to help.

    For being held captive, you are keeping yourself busy in wonderful ways. When I was down, I could do some types of handwork, but not others. I could sew on my little Featherweight, but not the big powerful machines. I used a timer to keep the sewing sessions controlled, but the thing that is exactly the same with us is in how frustrating it is to be kept away from the creating, the making, the moving around of the cloth! I feel so badly for you, and hope that perhaps reading blogs, gathering up ideas, designing quilts will help the time go more quickly!
    Hugs from afar--


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