Sunday, October 8, 2023

Crumby Finished Quilt

Last April, as I was wildly pawing through all my scraps in an attempt to get them under control - referred to as "scarp with scraps" or "scarp my scraps" or "scarping with scraps" - I simultaneously cut up fabric and cut out pieces for two quilts. The first, a planned quilt, was Unallocated.

The second was this 71" X 85" quilt that I'm calling Crumby (pronounced like "crummy"). 

The name comes from making fabric with randomly piecing together little bits of similar colors - crumbs -thereby creating fabric. From that I cut convex and concave half-moon shapes to make blocks. I roughly followed this Harvest Moon tutorial by Megan Collins.

However, I modified some of the blocks to make these yin-yan sort of transposed blocks that I positioned around the perimeter of the quilt. 

Quilting on my Bernina 770QE involved ruler quilting circles, and free motion quilting in between those circles. Thread is light gray 40-weight Presencia. 

The backing is pieced from leftover wideback (the diagonal rainbow print), a column of scraps... 

... and one spare yellow Harvest Moon block. 

It was a windy Tuesday afternoon when I asked my quilter/ukulele-playing friend Sarah @ukesally to hold my quilt so I could take pictures! She was a trooper. 

This is outside the Big Cypress Recreation Center, where Big Cypress Quilters meet weekly. 

Sarah had her hands full, dealing with such a big quilt and the wind. Thank you, Sarah! 

While at QuiltCon in Atlanta, I had the opportunity to meet Clara of BimBamBuki. As I like to do when meeting a fellow quilter face-to-face for the first time, I made a gift - a Travel Tray. 

Also while at QuiltCon I gave Clara a block I'd made at her open request in a blog post. She asked for quilters to contribute a block of "a thing that made me happy."

I gave her a ukulele block.

After collecting blocks from 37 women, Clara pieced them - quite creatively I think; I love her unique circular layout! - and then hand-quilted this 84" X 84" quilt she named A Quilt of Things That Bring Us Joy. See more pictures at the link.

My block is in the 1:00 position. 

Clara has entered this into QuiltCon 2024 (Raleigh) in the group quilt category. I hope it's accepted!

It's an honor to play a small part in a group quilt, as I learned after being invited to participate in the making of Patty's (Elm Street Quilts) Patent Pending. That was a fun one too!

Book Recommendation
Thereby Hangs a Tale 
is #2 in the Chet and Bernie series by Spencer Quinn.

Even though this job's gonna pay well, Bernie's a little reluctant about taking on security detail for dog. However, threats have been received.

Just after Bernie (owner of Little Detective Agency) and Chet (a failed police dog) meet the prize-winning dog Princess and her owner, both go missing. Suzy, a journalist who's following their abduction, also unexpectedly goes missing.

With such high stakes, it's time for them to solve the case - for Bernie to follow his hunches, and Chet to make use of his sensitive nose and penchant for bringing down a perp by his pants leg.

I want to thank Nancy at Grace and Peace Quilting for turning me onto this series. Now my dad and hubs also are preparing to read them!

Linda's score: 4.1/5.0



  1. Love your quilt! The mix of scraps really adds interest and depth to the blocks. It looks like it was a greta scrap buster project and would have eaten through quite a bit!

    1. Thank you very much Rachel for the compliment on my quilt! Except for the side setting triangles, the whole quilt design was pretty much determined by the scraps in my bins. Yes, it was a great scrap-buster! In fact, my orange/red/purple bin and my green/blue bin now are only three inches deep in scraps. The only bin that remains more than half full is white/neutrals. I have many narrow strips (mostly trim from quilt backings) of whites and text prints that aren't conducive to making anything. Still, I always have my eyes open for another scrap design. The latest is making FPP "Diamond in the Sky" blocks, as seen in my September 11 post. Thanks for commenting!

  2. Oh that wind. Can't tell you how many times I've found the perfect photo location only to have the wind cause problems. Your circles turned out wonderfully and must have used a lot of scraps. Nicely done with the quilting too. I still have so many larger cuts (mostly 1/2 yds) that I want to use that working with all scraps doesn't rise to the top of my list.

  3. Love the circle of joy quilt - what a wonderful idea for a group quilt.

  4. Oh I like your quilt! What a fantastic way to use up those scraps and weave them into a great creation! The Circle of Joy quilt for possible QuiltCon inclusion is very neat.

    1. Hello Barb N! You're a "no-reply commenter," so I'm hoping you read my response to you here. First, thank you very much! It's nice of you say you like my quilt. I agree that such a quilt - making fabric from every small bit and strip - is a great way to use-up all one's leftover scraps. This was a very satisfying experience. Second, I agree with you that Clara's group quilt entry is great, and would be a wonderful inclusion into QuiltCon. All entries are due by October 31 (I entered four quilts myself). Entrants will get "accepted" or "rejected" emails by early December.

  5. Oh, good, a book recommendation that sounds like fun! (Too many creepy books out there.) I love your quilt and appreciate the yin/yang blocks you used to vary it some. Makes me think I might do some more quilts with circles :D

  6. Loving your 'crumb' blocks! And those yin/yan blocks around the outside are genius, very clever!

  7. Love the crumb quilt! A wonderful modern version of a "make do" quilt. Very inspiring! Thanks for the reading (listening) tips. I'm always looking for new things to listen to while stitching. Enjoy the day.

  8. Crumby is outstanding. What a very lot of fabrics are represented in this quilt! Photographing quilts outdoors offers many challenges!

  9. Love the circles quilt and all the gorgeous colors. The uke block is adorable. You are like the energy bunny, you never quit, and you work is always fantastic.

  10. Love those stripes in Crumby. Stripes for the win! The ukulele block was sweet. I love how your friend set all those blocks together. What a special quilt with meaning to the owner. Love what you did with the tshirt utilizing some ones cast offs. Reduce, reuse, recycle, repurpose! Thanks for always having inspiration for us and book recommendations.

    1. I'm glad you like that stripey addition to my crumb-y quilt. Thanks! I'm really impressed with how Clara put that quilt top together. Most of us would have made blocks of each, and probably sashed them. She had a creative idea, didn't she? I was ticked to use-up someone else's cast-off knit fabric, and get a nice wearable top from it. I am grateful you think I have inspiration to share. I'm just passing along what others share with me, whether making or reading. You're welcome! :-) Linda

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Linda, I feel so humbled reading your post... This project wouldn't have been possible without everybody's help. I am so amazed by this little corner of the internet! The makers and quilters are such a friendly and supportive community.
    I absolutely adore your ukulele and I am glad that you like the finished quilt!
    I am keeping my fingers crossed for your quilts, too. Would love to see that bright and fun Crumby Quilt at QuiltCon! And you, of course!

  13. Such a lovely quilt. I especially like the way the straight lines of the black and white striped fabric in the setting triangles sets off the colours and curves of the blocks.


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