A week ago, our Hope Quilters group at church learned how to string-piece onto foundation paper. Now several quilters are interested in learning how to make QAYG (Quilt As You Go) blocks. In the right-hand menu is a slideshow tutorial I've created. (Thank you Jan MacFadyen of Victoria, Australia, and your blog Sew Many Quilt - Too Little Time.) Jan and many other quilters are busily making these QAYG blocks into quilts to donate to Australians who have experienced terrible losses due to the February 7 bush fires where 1,834 homes were burned. Visit Oz Comfort Quilts blog to see pictures of their quiltmaking relief efforts. 
Note that I made my QAYG samples starting with 9-1/2" X 9-1/2" backing and batting squares--'cause that's the size square ruler I had. My finished block is 8-1/2" X 8-1/2". Expect to lose a whole inch from the size you start with. Aussie quilters are beginning with 11" squares and ending up with a 10" X 10" finished block.
Click on the slideshow and enjoy learning!
Hi Linda, (I know you won't be in a position to act on this for a while anyway) I've just sent you the Sisterhood Award (see my blog). Please don't feel you need to do anything with it, and just accept my "gratitude for your attitude". Cheers, Di