My first 2015 post has me looking weeks ahead, anticipating many activities, mostly quilting-related. I named this post "Chockablock" after reading a devotional, by Dr. David Jeremiah, about the original meaning of chockablock, and that many of us now use the term to describe the way we live.
"Block" refers to block and tackle equipment - a set of pulleys with a rope threaded between them. In earlier days, chockablock described what happened when the rope was over extended, causing the blocks to jam together. In time, chockablock came to mean "crammed full" or "jammed tight."
In this piece, Dr. Jeremiah offers suggestions about how to use all our busy moments and days to serve the Master because our time belongs to Him. We need to make sure we take time "for the most important things." I'm thankful for this reminder.
While I can't completely put my head around the value of spending time preparing quilts for a show, that's exactly what I did on New Years Day. Two quilts -
Bloom and
Dandelion Clock will be judged and shown at the
Quilting Guild of The Villages (QGOTV) show on Friday and Saturday, January 23-24. And later today, I'll ship two quilts -
Ad Libbing and Shapes - to Austin for judging and showing at QuiltCon, Thursday through Sunday, February 19-22.

As I was preparing my QGOTV quilts, I also began going through the more than 100 quilts I have here in the house. (Yes, I've accumulated many more than 100 quilts in 39 years of quiltmaking!) Since QGOTV has a "Boutique," where guild members are permitted to sell their creations, it's a good opportunity to pass along my older quilts, particularly the ones that no longer suit my tastes. I began by photographing (using the new tripod my hubby gave me for Christmas) and measuring the dimensions of 33 quilts - mostly wall hangings - and then weeded out the faded-looking ones. I have 26 quilts to price. It will be difficult because I know that I often underestimate the value of my work, and I must take into account that 20 percent of the price must be returned: 10 percent to the guild; 7 percent to the state of Florida; and 3 percent if the buyer uses a charge card.
Here are those 26 quilts in one collage. They're a reflection of thousands of hours invested in quiltmaking, including making several that were hand quilted. It will be difficult to part with many of them, but when I stop to think about what I would do with each one, if kept, I imagine them stuffed into pillow cases and stacked in the closet... as they've been since moving here more than two years ago. I can't take them with me!
Today I begin teaching First Time Quiltmaking again, through the
Lifelong Learning College. When the noon to 2 p.m. class filled by early December, another class was added from 2:30 to 4:30... and it also filled. So a total of 42 women will enter the world of quilting! As always, I'm excited to teach. New Year's Eve found me at the College copying hand-outs. Now those are collated, and name tags are ready to go.
Hexies have been in the forefront of my sewing lately as I anticipate teaching two different hexie classes later this year: one on machine-appliquéd hexagons, and the other on English paper-pieced hexagons. Of course, samples need to be made.

On Friday this week, I'm anticipating a visit by Kelly (Instagram @sewkellysews) who lives in the Pensacola area. She's a young mom of four, founder of the
Emerald Coast MQG, and a Jamberry Nails consultant.
I'm hosting a Jamberry party - mostly so I can learn first-hand the proper way to apply and remove these peel-and-stick nails, but also to introduce my friends to this neat way to get beautiful nails at home. Those are my nails in the photo. I did them myself, and think they look pretty. If you're not familiar with Jamberry Nails,
go here where you can also place an order if you wish. Just use the pull-down menu to indicate my party.
Kelly's also bringing some of her modern quilts for a show and tell, so this should be a good time! The best part is getting together with friends. I wish all of you could come.
Though I'm already feeling a little bit "whoa," I'm also very thankful that I'm excited about and able to participate in these activities. Looks like I'll be "motorin'" through January, doesn't it? Just like our cute little grandson, Luke, who will be one year old tomorrow! Happy birthday cutie-pie!
And talk about anticipation for what 2015 has in store!
I'm making a few things to take to QuiltCon, including a backpack for myself. Yep, my life is chockablock... and I couldn't be happier about it. Linda