Thursday, February 6, 2025

Round Loom Knitting

In the past half dozen years, I've become interested in weaving. How makers create on various looms fascinates me. 

During the pandemic I tried braiding which doesn't require any equipment except a crochet hook. I learned to make round and oval rugs, upcycling fabrics from old clothing and home dec leftovers. 

Then, peg loom weaving caught my attention. I ended up buying a 24-peg loom which is simply a long, skinny board with 24 removable pegs; it doesn't take up much space. That's the loom I've used to make three "rag rugs" with selvedges...

and four dining room chair pads using fabric strips.

Most recently, my friend Peggy was creating with a round loom, which I learned, is knitting and purling on pegs. She showed me some of the things she's made, like this blue single layer headband that can be used to hold back hair for face-washing, or to cover ears in cold weather.

Peggy sent me home with her 24-peg round loom and some yarn so I could make a scrubby. I'm using it for face-washing.

I was intrigued enough to buy, from Michael's, my own set of four round looms. I promptly followed a YouTube video to make a scrubby.

Mine is a little larger than the one Peggy taught me to make 

Then, I followed another YouTube video to make a knitted headband. It's definitely not the pattern Peggy followed to make hers. Mine is two thicknesses. Made with wool yarn, it's unlikely I'll ever need to wear it here in Florida. It's thick! And soft and squishy. I'll give this to someone who lives further north than me. But it was a satisfying make.

So, round loom weaving has become a new fascination. (You've heard the exclamation, "Squirrel!" right?)

As if that isn't enough, I've been watching Instagram as @hermader makes four-inch fabric squares from scraps, and hand-stitches circles. I watched her Going Round in Circles YouTube video to give it a try. I used some of my new Kitchen Window wovens (plaid) fabric.

I love stitching like this - in circles. I used Aurifil #12 wool thread, for the first time, sent to me by Jo Avery. I really like stitching with it! And that woven fabric is like needling through butter.

I'm just not fond of the methodology. I don't care for circling a button in the center (How can blocks ever be used, except for decorative purposes?). Nor do I like the exposed, ravelly raw edges of the fabric scraps. I will try this again, but will machine piece scraps, and use appli-pops to make tiny fabric circles that I'll hand-appliqué to the center. 

At the Bernina, I've been quilting Party Time, walking foot quilting in the quilt center.

So, small progress on several things. 

QuiltCon is coming soon! In the next week I need to pull supplies for the six-hour improv workshop I'll take from Libs Elliott - Chaos With a Twist.

I have a few things to keep me occupied. Linda


  1. Love the quilting you're doing on Party Time. Are you needing to bury all those threads when the lines meet that don't go in the same direction?

  2. Its interesting to read about your various weaving and loom ventures. I've knitted a couple of selvedge mats in the past to use in front of the washing machine but never tried weaving.

  3. I admire your interest in trying new things. I guess I have so many quilts I want to make from the fabric I already have, that I restrain myself from venturing into something new. Hope you are enjoying the quilting process of Party Time. It looks wonderful so far.

  4. Fun squirrel projects, Linda!!! Party time is looking amazing!

  5. Hi Linda. I’m just as “squirrely “ lol. Love trying new things. Looms always have fascinated me as well, so I might try one. Since it’s almost Valentine’s Day. I might try the stitching method but with a heart shape to make a couple of cute heart shaped coasters! As an aside, congrats on your ribbons!

    1. Hi Anonymous! Wish I knew who you are! We sure have a lot in common, as I'd love to chat with you about trying a round loom. I'd delighted I shared something - two things! - you might try. Good idea to put a heart shape in the middle of those rounds and then make a coaster from it. For me, a heart shape is one I've ever liked, but that "going 'round in circles" block does present many options for a center design. Hermader, the woman making these, has also put a white dove in the middle of hers, so really, anything goes. Hope you'll let me know who you are, next time you comment. Linda

  6. Oh my, I had a spool knitting kit as a child- very similar to the round loom. But this is next level. What fun. Love your progress on the machine and hand stitching too.


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