Thursday, February 27, 2025

Book Scores

Being the end of February, it’s time to jump in, between posts about QuiltCon, to share, score and rate eight audiobooks I read in February. In score order, those titles are:

With Old Girls Behaving Badly, I found myself empathizing with 71 year-old Gina who becomes a week-long carer for a 79 year-old woman who wants to recover a stolen piece of art. The parts about setting off on a new life course and being a sleuth were the fun stuff of imagination.

Walking the Albaravon is one I wanted to like because our son, a fan of science fiction, enjoyed and recommended to me... but I didn't. If you’re into a somewhat humorous (British), albeit gory story about an astronaut lost on a far-away planet who acquires powers that enable him to overpower and eat space creatures, this story is for you!

These are covers of the titles I have given a score of 4.0 and higher.
  • 4.5 - How to Read a Book, Monica Wood
  • 4.4 - The God of the Woods, Liz Moore
  • 4.3 - Old Girls Behaving Badly, Kate Galley
  • 4.2 - Tell No Lies (#2, Quinn and Costa series), Allison Brennan
  • 4.2 - A Slow Fire Burning, Paula Hawkins
  • 4.1 - The Wife, Alafair Burke
  • 4.1 - Oath of Honor (#1, Blue Justice series), Lynette Eason
I hope you find a few of these as good as I did. Linda


  1. How strange it is for me to see I already read two of those. I usually read AFTER I see your recommendations. Old Girls Behaving Badly is interesting. Just last night I was a guest at my daughter’s book club. The God of the Woods was their monthly book. I knew this last month and read it myself before I arrived in CA. Also very good, exciting ending.

  2. I love your book lists and ratings. I actually went to your list when purchasing books for my daughter in law as she is an avid reader. Two of the books I purchased for her were on her to read list!!! So awesome. Thank you so much for this.


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