
Thursday, June 26, 2014

Back at it!

At my follow-up visit for my leg catheterization, I got the all clear to return to normal activities. It was also interesting to learn that in fact my left leg stent was 90 percent blocked! That's an unbelievable build-up of plaque in just six months. I can't tell you how happy I am to be "clean" again!

I finished this quilt, and used one of my new labels on it. I like these, and will sure use them, but I will also make my usual Printed Treasures labels so all the details are recorded too.

I've been anxious to try quilting that double batting. Today I had time to play with my test piece. Not only do I love the way this looks, but it quilted just beautifully! No problem whatsoever moving it through the machine, and in fact, I felt that I had more control over the piece because it was "sturdy." I'm charmed with how this looks, and excited to get started on the big quilt!

I tested four different threads to decide which I want to go crazy with. All I know so far is that white is ruled out. It just doesn't do anything for the designs.

Here's the test quilting from the back. Backing fabric is Carolyn Friedlander's 108" Widescreen, in grey.

A few evenings ago, during a brief stroll outside my sewing room, I came across this. I didn't know Hogan had an interest in ballet!


  1. Glad you were given the 'all clear'! Ooh, I love how that quilting looks, too! Will have to give it a try. Hope you have a great rest of the week!

  2. It's great to hear you're skipping around again, Linda. Even your practice FAQ inspires me. Which quilt are you about to tackle?

  3. Your quilting test piece looks fantastic. You can't tell which is the back or front - they both look so good. ha ha - Hogan is a cute name and I think he's been holding out on you,

  4. Linda you amaze me. Every. Single. Time.

  5. Wonderful texture. I wish I had your quilting skills Linda. I hope to get to some practice time later this summer and finish up a few UFOs.

  6. Love the way the quilting looks with the double batting and I agree about the thread color. You're such a talented quilter!

  7. Oh how I would love to sit and watch you sew for a while. I haven't tried two batts but it does look amazing. Which quilt are you planning for this?

  8. Oh my.. just six months. Glad you are doing well now. The wool batt gives lovely definition to the quilting. Thanks for sharing that. Enjoy the summer!

  9. I"m excited to see how your quilting turns out, Linda. I can see that you have stumbled onto a new favorite already!!

  10. I know you're relieved to be cleared for activities - I'm going to be praying that this is the end of all those leg issues! blessings, marlene

  11. The practice looks fantastic. Good for you for being "clean" again.

  12. I'm glad you got a clean bill of health from your doctor. Love your new quilt labels. I'm fascinated by your quilting with the double batting. Looks fantastic.


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