
Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Bits of This and That

Since I haven't been teaching lately, my sewing room has seen me a lot.

I finished piecing this 62" X 62" quilt top. I meant to be done with it, but after sharing pictures and swapping emails with my talented designer-friend, Anne of SpringLeafStudios, (Check out her latest pillow design that's on the cover of Modern Patchwork magazine!) I agreed with her assessment that the big hot pink blooms in the side borders are a bit distracting from the beautiful hand-appliqué on the inside - appliqué done by Julia in Australia.
Happy Together, 62" X 62"
So, I've ordered more of the border fabric ("Brassica" by Philip Jacobs) and will be sure to cut the print from the areas that are more similar to the top and bottom borders. Such a happy quilt! Yes? Speaking of "happy," I've named it "Happy Together," not only for the bright colors, but because this is a shared project between Julia and me. Quilting will be fun as I'm imagining curved cross-hatching behind the appliqué, and feathers, using holographic Marathon threads.

In the meantime, I'm quilting a 78" X 78". Wanting large spirals, I rounded up everything in the house that's larger than 12" in diameter. Believe it or not, I used the 23" diameter glass top of a round table to outline a circle on the quilt! I also used an 18" wall clock, and the lids of two Tupperware containers, for 14" and 13" circles. These are the circles made with freezer paper so I can press them to the quilt top. We gotta get creative sometimes, don't we?

Here's some of what I've been quilting using the free motion quilting foot - not a walking foot. I have to eyeball the distance between the curves, so they aren't perfect. But I sure like the texture which I attribute to the double batting - Quilter's Dream poly and wool. I'll be working on this piece for a week or so.

In the mail we received these hand prints that are now beautifully gracing our refrigerator.

Here are the guys who made them. I miss them so much!
Austin, and five month-old LJ
While I can't imagine living without the technology that gives me immediate pictures and FaceTime, nothing beat being IRL - in real life. How else can you kiss those adorable cheeks?! Linda


  1. I love your applique but I agree that a different border fabric will set it off better. It's going to be a beautiful quilt.

  2. You are very inventive!
    Your grandchildren are so adorable, I love the look on LJ's face!

  3. I think you are right to alter the borders- the plainer parts of the fabric certainly set off the beautiful applique! And aren't those little boys the cutest!?

  4. Such adorable little guys! I love what you are doing with the spiral quilting. Don't remember what machine you use, but do you turn the work as you quilt the rounds, or does it quilt easily in all directions without turning the whole quilt?

  5. I've tried free motioning those circles and it's not easy!
    You look to be doing a great job.
    Can't wait to see the curved cross hatching either.

  6. Looking at the "Happy Together" top again, I agree the colours in the borders are perfect but perhaps the print is a bit big.
    Thank you again for sharing what your doing.
    Can't wait to see the quilting.

  7. Girl, those spirals are looking good, can't wait to see the whole thing. Your boys are getting so big.

  8. Happy Together truly is a happy quilt! I'm impressed with your treasure hunt to find all the circular objects to use for marking. It's looking good. Good luck with the curved cross-hatch.

  9. Little LJ has grown, hasn't he? What lovely little chaps both are and I'm not surprised you miss them so much. Love your circle quilting and good ideas to find things around the house to trance the circles. Are they individual circles or is it a big spiral?

  10. What sweet little boys ,they are both growing so fast, I would just cry everyday if Jonah moved far from us. He is really into castles these days so we took him up to Toronto last week to Casa Loma which is one of few in Canada. We had a wonderful trip. He is seven now so it is getting easy to take him places and he just loves to go anyplace with us right now.
    Your quilt is beautiful and I agree that maybe the large roses are a bit over powering. Blessings Sandra

  11. Good assessment on your applique beauty. I know you will quilt it beautifully too. Your little grand boys are growing up so quickly. They are so cute.

  12. On looking back at that border, I agree with your comment about those bright pink blooms. I love them so much it was a little difficult for me to be objective :-) Full marks to you for being prepared to unpick and get it perfect. Your circles are looking great, as are those beautiful boys! I have hand prints too and they are so precious.

  13. You are such an inspiration, from sharing your beautiful quilting to encouraging change. My goodness but those boys are adorable! And growing so fast. Hope you get to be with them again soon.

  14. Your border is interesting on your quilt because if you look at your appliqué blocks you have all the colours in your border but I agree, those lovely pink flowers are too powerful. I look forward to seeing the new border!

  15. Linda,

    Love the circles and agree about the busyness of the quilt.

    Your little guy are precious, like two peas in a pod. We have ours for 2 weeks and are enjoying every minute.

    Happy Stitching, CHS

  16. Hi Linda,
    WOW, your quilt is gorgeous. Love the border fabric, I agree that the sections without the bright pink go a little better. Glad it was just a matter of replacing those parts. It will be beautiful when finished. Love the sculpted look of the double batting for your quilting. Very textural.
    Amazing as always.

  17. beautiful circular quilting - I admire you doing it free-motion! And those grandbabies - so sweet!

  18. What a creative way to get those spirals Linda - I wouldn't have thought of the glass top! Precious babies...some of mine were here this week and I will treasure the memories. blessings, marlene

  19. Your spirals are wonderful. I need to give it a try. Thanks for the shout out too.

  20. I really like the circular quilting...I've only done it with a walking foot. You have a steady hand to quilt it free motion! I see that those darling boys have a fun quilt to sit on, of course!

  21. Awwww - what an adorable photo of the boys. :) We sure are lucky these days to have all the communications we do! I've got a quilt top that's going to need a Circle Roundup as well, whenever I finally get to work on it!

  22. They are growing like crazy! So sweet.

  23. The applique quilt is beautiful, but I think changing out the side borders would be better. The 78 x 78 quilt is AWESOME! Love the spirals. You are doing a great job! The grands are precious. I know you miss them.


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