
Monday, June 23, 2014

Second Anniversary

It was two years ago today that we moved into our new house in Florida. No surprise, but the time has truly flown by.

When we moved in on June 23, 2012, we were welcomed by Tropical Storm Debby. We'd never seen so much non-stop rain - three days and nights worth! We were only too familiar with flooding and loss of drinking water, as it happened in Des Moines in 1993. We've since learned that sand is much more porous than clay, so the danger of flooding here is minimal.

Two years later... this is what our house looks like. Professional landscaping made a nice improvement, and we love the colors of the different blooms - yellow, red, pink. How neat is it that you can plant impatiens in August and have them continue to bloom in June?!

I wanted to show more pictures of the changes around our area - every day, ten new houses are being built... and sold! - but our on-again/off-again rain has prevented me from getting out to take photos. And, there's still the recovery from last Wednesday's procedure to open the clogged stent in my left leg. The doc found that blood flow through the stent, that was put in just six months ago, was reduced 85 percent due to plaque pushing through the mesh. I'm recovering well, pain-free, though no lifting or strenuous activities are allowed until my follow-up doc visit on Wednesday.

Here's the little bit of sewing I've managed. I finished up a selvages version of the "Edith Small Zipper Bag" (find the tutorial on the tab above) started last November when Edith visited from Switzerland.

And three collapsible thread catchers are done. A couple weeks ago, when I taught my weekly quilting group how to make them, I used these, in a various stage of completion, to show how to sew them. They're still a clever design, I think. Though I made mine with the inside ring of a four-inch wooden embroidery hoop, this YouTube video shows how to make one with the top ring part of a Pringles can!

Happy mail brought these custom fabric labels. If you need customized labels, or just pre-designed ones with your name, visit Jennifer's Jewels Etsy shop here.

We just found out that our old Francrest Circle house in Iowa is for sale again. It's so interesting to see the online pictures of what the owners did with the place. It looks great! Linda


  1. Your home looks beautiful and the landscaping has filled in nicely.
    Very cool labels!

  2. I'm so glad to hear that you are not in pain, Linda, after your "tune up". Hopefully, this is the last of that stuff!! Didn't the labels turn out great!!

  3. Glad you are recovering nicely. Your home is lovely!

  4. It sounds like your surgery is less painful than the last time around!

    Lots of changes to your prior home. I especially love the backyard.

  5. Wow, is it two years already? I can hardly believe it. Glad to hear you are recovering without pain. I'm sure you'll soon be "as good as new". I had a quick peek at your old house and it's beautiful, but I was shocked to see the prize as here (nor in Switzerland) you wouldn't even get a one bed room apartment for that kind of money.

  6. You're obviously enjoying your new neighbourhood!
    Love the labels too.

  7. Time does fly! I'm sorry you needed another procedure. Glad you're not in pain. Happy stitching!

  8. Linda, I enjoyed so much talking to you last evening. Do you know why 4200 Francrest Circle is again for sale?
    Have a great day and good recovery for your leg.

  9. So happy to hear you again 'pain free'! And thanks for the link to the threadcatchers- they look like they would be very handy!

  10. Two years already! My, how time flies! Your house looks beautiful. Love your projects. Have had my eye on those collapsible thread catchers for some time, now. Maybe this summer I'll find time to give one a try. It would be great for taking to quilt groups, classes, or retreats. And would make a great easy to mail gift!

  11. Surprised that its been two years of Florida life for you already! Seems like you're enjoying it very much. Ah, selvages - your zipper bag looks great!

  12. Those are the prettiest thread catchers. I can't believe 2 years have passed by since you and we moved. Crazy! Sorry you had a little trouble with that stent - I'm about to make an appointment to see if stents can't be helpful for me. bleh - but seeing how much they've helped you, I hope it might be an option!

  13. Let's hope we are hurricane free this year! Glad to hear you're healing well.

  14. Hope you're healing well. Love that little thread catcher!

  15. Relax and let yourself heal. I'd like to know more about the labels . . . size? material?

  16. Glad to hear you are on the mend again. That's not a fun activity, I know. I love your selvage bag and your labels sure are pretty too. I checked out your former house and it looks great. The price seems very reasonable compared to even here in MO. The former owners sure liked the subtle, neutral colors, didn't they?

  17. Congrats on your anniversary. We'll be owners for 2 years on August 16.
    Still at least 8 months before we are full timers. Went back to your move in blog and revisited your closet. Wonderful use of the space. Could you send me the name of the installers and is there anything you would have done differently?

  18. Linda I'm glad to hear your leg procedure went well. I know lots of prayers were lifted up for you. :) The landscaping on your house is truly beautiful and makes me just a wee bit jealous. I've been having some pre cancerous places on my face treated and can't be in the sun at all. I mostly have shade at my house but even that's too much for me during this treatment time. That means I got part way through the flower beds and had to quit. I've learned, though, that some things you just have to let go of. I told my housekeeper this morning that even though my grandchildren are coming on the fourth and she doesn't come for 10 days after that I will not be cleaning hand prints and nose prints off my glass doors - I will just look at them and smile at the memories. They will be cleaned when she comes and that's soon enough. blessings, marlene

  19. Linda I can't believe it has been two years and your house is looking lovely. I am sorry that you have been having some problems with your stent I hope all is solved and you are up and running again. Blessings Sandra

  20. Your home looks lovely. And those collapsible thread catchers are genius! They are definitely going on my to-do list.

  21. Wow-you have been busy (I'm catching up on two months of blog reading!) Your old house looks SO different inside!

    I may have to get some of those quilt labels, so much fun!


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