
Monday, December 30, 2013


This blog has been quiet because I was away from home for nine days. We drove to Austin, Texas, to spend Christmas with our two children, their spouses, and our four grandchildren.
Daughter, her three children, and our son's son. The boys are 3, 3-1/2, and 4 years old.
All four grandies
Our son's Austin
On Christmas eve, just before going to church.
When we travel by car, I try to make that time productive. Besides listening to two audiobooks - "Bad Monkey" by Carl Hiaasen, and "Private Berlin" by James Patterson (picks for hubby) - I stitched for about 30 hours of the 36-hour drive-time. This is 24-count canvas, so it wasn't easy to count. Unstitching happened several times. But, I made progress, and it's looking pretty good. I probably won't touch it again until the next road trip.

While away, I missed my sewing room. Since returning home this afternoon, unpacking, and going to the grocery, I squeezed in a couple hours of quilting time. The Riley Blake Challenge deadline looms!

Tuesday morning I'm happily returning to a line dance class, hoping the exercise will help heal my left leg which has been causing considerable discomfort since the December 13 catheterization. I've definitely got a case of "the cure (having the eight inch-long stent put in my left thigh) being worse than the disease!" Prior to having the 100 percent arterial blockage unblocked, I never had this kind of pain! Go figure. Now I'm hoping next Monday's catheterization of my right leg doesn't cause the same kind of long term discomfort.

If it does, you'll recognize me as the one who's hobbling everywhere. Linda


  1. Looks like you had a wonderful holiday. Maybe the 36 hours in the car did not help your leg pain?? Take care and follow doctor's orders!

  2. Wonderful pictures of you and your family!
    Hope your leg is feeling better soon. Your quilts/sewing are always an inspiration. Happy New Year!

  3. Glad you enjoyed your trip but so sorry your leg is bothering you so much. Such a long ride to take when not feeling well. Pamper yourself a little while you mend!!

  4. How wonderful that you got to spend Christmas with your family. That's got to be the best Christmas gift of all! My thoughts are with for a speedy recovery.

  5. Wishing you a happy new year! Can't wait to see all the beautiful things you whip up!

  6. It was so good to see you in line dancing today. So sorry you are still in so much pain. I agree that your road trip could be part to blame. We miss you in guilting. Glad you were with your beautiful family. Wish you only the best in 2014!

  7. Oh Linda I am so sorry your leg is giving you so much pain ! Is this normal? Have you told the Dr?
    What a lovely family your granddaughter is becoming a beautiful young women. I had my family here for Christmas Day and it was so crazy that we didn't get any family pictures. They both arrived at same time and we didn't eat till after seven, then the presents had to be open and my daughter insisted Jonah had to be home by nine. Anyway first time we had all been together in two years.
    Does your leg pain when you are driving?
    I am sure all will go well with your surgery and you will be running around at your usual pace.
    Peace ,health and blessings for the New year Sandra

  8. Such a wonderful picture of you and your lovely family. Celina looks like an upcoming movie star. Glad you could be with them in Texas. Sorry to hear your leg is bothering you. Sure hope it is only temporary. I'm not sure I'd be brave enough to get the other one done until this one stopped hurting. My thoughts and prayers are with you through this and best wishes and peace in the new year.

  9. What a lovely family and how nice you were all together. Sorry to hear the "cure" is causing problems. I sure hope the pain subsides and all improves. Happy New Year!

  10. I'm sorry to hear your leg is still causing pain and discomfort! And that the line dancing helped! It looks like the family time was fun!

  11. Thanks for sharing your pix of the family at Christmas....I'm so happy that you all got to be together! I"m anxious for you to see the doctor tomorrow about your sorry!

  12. Oh gosh, 36 hours of driving. Yuck! That's like driving from Adelaide to Perth. Not something I'm keen to do. Did you have overnight stops on the way?


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