
Saturday, March 19, 2011

OBO Catching-Up

I'm wearing out my excuse for not getting much done in the past month - that of being away from home - but I'm hard back at sewing now.

It's nice to renew my friendship with my Bernina. Up first was sewing past-due quilt blocks for the "One Block Over" (OBO in this blog title) bee. The February, 18-1/2" X 18-1/2" (unfinished) block I made for Michelle in California, challenged me because I nearly ran out of the Tula Pink "Parisville" fabric she supplied. I had to be creative, cutting and seaming some pieces to get strips long enough for foundation string-piecing.
These were scraps left after sewing and trimming Michelle's block.
Michelle's 18-1/2" X 18-1/2" Parisville block
While sewing Michelle's block, I had a sewing machine issue. I'll blame the machine for snatching up threads from a nearby, unused spool, and wrapping it around the fly wheel. After much mumbling, I managed to snip away all the choking threads. 
The March block, a 9-1/2" telephone book foundation pieced hexagon, was for Victoria in New York. It was a fun block to sew. For appliqueing the center circle, I found that a piece of lightweight paper behind the circle helped keep the stitches nice and flat.
I'm glad to have these off the to-do list, until April that is! How fun it will be to see these blocks sewn into quilt tops.


  1. Wow...that's some thread issue! =OP So glad you got it fixed...and the block is lovely! =)

  2. I have heard about thread getting caught up in the fly wheel when sitting nearby before. How close was it? As I'm predominantly right handed so when I change my thread (or lay anything else down) it goes to the right side of my machine.

    Love the blocks you made! With bees, do they tell you what blocks they want?

  3. That thread getting caught doesn't sound nice. I love your blocks!

  4. I like both of those blocks and the fabrics you used too! I'll have to look for Parisville, its gorgeous.

    The thread issue, not so nice. I've had similar things happen to me too and am always relieved if I can fix it without taking my machine in to be serviced.

  5. Neat blocks.
    What a mess in your machine. Glad your were able to get it out yourself.


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