
Friday, March 18, 2011

I'm Joining In

 Lee, a Wisconsinite blogging from Freshly Pieced is hosting a quilt-along.

I know, I know... I can already hear you thinking, "She's joining another quilt-along, and she hasn't finished the last two she joined!" You're right, but I will justify this one by saying I need to make a quilt like this, for educational purposes.

The "Super Nova Quilt-Along" will be good for me because it will teach me to make a quilt that's, design-wise, outside the box. It's a "modern quilt," the latest rage. Lee's pattern calls for two yards of solid fabric. Gasp! Such a revolutionary concept after years of being told, and telling others, that solids are boring and it's tone-on-tone prints that give a quilt spark. I guess I'm willing to eat those words and accept that I must try to "teach an old dog new tricks." Since today is my 58th birthday - only 8 in dog years! - it's fitting to use that phrase.
Birthday Clipart
I've on-line ordered some solids (our local quilt shops are sadly lacking in choices), and gone shopping for modern, funky fabrics. I'm trying to put it all together. It's exquisite torture.

As the world follows developments in Japan, many of us continue to pray. Through another blog I learned about Tanya's blog. She is a Japanese Christian quiltmaker living in the city of Nikko. Her daily posts give an inside look at where she was when the earthquake hit, and how she's coping with rolling black-outs, conflicting information, and uncertainty.


  1. Happy Birthday Linda! I saw that quilt along and it looks like a lot of fun. I'm certain that you will come up with some great fabric choices!

  2. Happy birthday. Hope you have a great day.

  3. Happy Birthday! I love the dog years comment. I thought I was the only grown woman who thought of things that way. Helps keep it all in perspective for our 4 legged friends!

  4. Happy Birthday, my friend! I can't wait to see what fabrics you choose...I'm getting closer to committing myself!

  5. Happy Birthday Linda. I hope you have (or had) a great day.
    Solids are fun to work with and I'm off to look at the quilt a long.

  6. happy birthday, Linda! Your age in dog years made me laugh.

  7. Happy Birthday Linda. I hope you have a lovely day...
    I must admit, I too thought solids are boring, but, it looks like it would be fun.
    I love the colours on the quilt hanging on the line..
    Have fun!
    Julia ♥

  8. Happy Birthday Linda! I hope you were able to do something fun.

  9. Happy birthday Linda, I hope that you had a wonderful day.
    Good on you for moving out of your comfort zone. No flies on you! as the saying goes.
    Thank you for the link to Tanya's blog

  10. Happy birthday, and thanks for joining my quilt-along! I promise it will be both educational AND fun. : ) I think it's wonderful that you're doing something outside of your comfort zone. We all should be so willing.

  11. You know, I had to come back and comment again, because your thoughts on how traditional quilters view solids are very interesting. As a professional graphic designer, I think I tend to come at quilt design from a different angle than most other people. I can see how some quilters might think solids are boring, but at least in my Supernova design, that's exactly the point! The solids are there to give the eye a place to rest - which, in my opinion, gives the design that much MORE impact and MORE punch, because it's not getting lost in a background print. So rather than labeling solids as ALWAYS boring, I would urge people to judge them in the context of the design as a whole, and how the solids are used within that design. Design is always the sum of its parts, I think. : )

    Thanks again for joining up, I'm looking forward to quilting with you.

  12. Belated Happy Birthday wishes Linda...


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