
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Pattern Winners helped me select three winners in the Purse Strings Designs pattern giveaway.

The first winner is Doris of Threads of Conversation. She's a local blogger I've met in the flesh, though we didn't know one another until we found each other's blogs!

Doris selected the "Vanity Fair" pattern.

Pokey, of Pokeydotquilting in California, chose "Miss Benson."

Jan of Molly's Meanderings in New South Wales, Australia, picked "Annabelle."

Congratulations to all three winners. And very special thanks to Renay at Purse Strings Patterns, for her giveaway.


  1. Thanks Linda, I'm looking forward to making an 'Annabelle' bag in the new year. cheers, Jan :-)

  2. Oh, what fun for the winners! Congrats to all three! Something in the mail besides bills will be fun to look forward to. ~karen

  3. Congrats girls..gorgeous bags..great patterns.
    Julia ♥

  4. Hi Linda
    Love the first bag on your blog. Is this a pattern I can buy?
    Have a great Christmas Linda
    Love Sue

  5. Hi again Linda
    Dopey me - I should have read further. I was so taken with the picture of the bag, I didn't. I have seen where they are from and will get in touch.
    Sue :-))


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