
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Our Grandies

Celina turned 12 two weeks ago.
And in the span of less than 14 months, I became a Nana to three grandsons.
Tay, 15 months
Austin, 7 months
Aesa, 5 weeks
Who would have guessed that I'd ever have such a clan as this! Not me, for sure!

Celina, Tay and Aesa belong to our daughter Jill; Austin belongs to our son Brent.
These cousins have never met. Won't our Christmas week together be full of fun and surprises?

Tay with his baby brother, Aesa.

I hope your Christmas is as merry as ours will be.


  1. How sweet! and How wonderful that you will all be together. Merry Christmas

  2. Too cute! what wonderful memories are yours to make and keep! Have a fantastic Christmas with the family....!

  3. Love watching your little videos ~ Tay is a cutie. I'm so glad you'll be having a grand celebration together! Hope your Christmas is wonderful!

  4. What a delightful photograph parade, I love the video of Tay giving Aesa a kiss, especially cute!

  5. Linda love the video and the picture of your grandchildren. Enjoy them and have a merry Christmas.


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