
Sunday, April 11, 2010

Cake, a Quilt, and Candied Hexagons

This weekend we celebrated our Dad's 80th birthday. Strawberries were the dessert theme with my sister making a strawberry silk pie, and me making a strawberry Jello poke cake. That's our smiling brother with the camera.Since nephew Adam attended the get-together, I had the occasion to give him this string-pieced quilt. I blogged about the quilt here. He's the last of four nephew to receive one of my quilts. I've given a quilt to each of them on a "no occasion day." That's kept the pressure off me to make a quilt for a special occasion - a real set-up for failure in my book!
Since we celebrated Dad's birthday in Kansas City and had a three hour drive each way, I pulled out my traveling hexies (Candied Hexagon quilt) for hand-piecing during car time. (Loz I took your advice to have my husband " you up and back the freeway whilst you sew.")

If I'd taken along a third row of hexies, I could have gotten those sewn together too.
My travel hexies will fly with me to Australia later this week.
Ach, those pre-trip collywobbles are coming on with a vengeance.


  1. Oh, Happy Birthday to your dad. What a nice surprise for your nephew. I like the black in the quilt.
    Have a great trip. Hope you will share more of visit with us again.

  2. That cake looks fantastic,slightly reminiscent of Trifle, well its cake, jelly, cream, just missing the custard!
    Dad does look pleased, the candied hexies are coming along a treat.

  3. You're going to be fine. Focus on what awaits you!

    I haven't had a Jello Poke Cake in years! Happy Birthday to your dad.

  4. What a shame about the collywobbles. I love flying. Rarely do I get the opportunity to sit around for long periods of time, watch movies, read, snooze and have meals delivered. Not always comfortable but it is temporary. Think of the rewards at the other end! Have a great trip.

  5. Your Dad looks wonderful - and so very happy to have you all there celebrating his big birthday. I can't wait to see your hexagon quilt - those hexies are looking "mighty perrrty"!!! At this rate you'll be finished your "10 in 10" before I'm half way there LOL. Great going!

  6. My Dad is 80 this week too, the cake looks great and I love your hexagons, the colours are wonderful. Have a wonderful trip if you don't post until after.

  7. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful! Are you english paper piecing or hand peicing your hexies?

  8. A Happy Birthday to your dad. And love the quilt that you made your nephew. Your hexies look great too. Hope you have a great time on your trip.


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