
Monday, April 12, 2010

Oz Family

Our daughter and her family live in Sydney, Australia. Australia is Aus for short, or Oz for fun.
On a recent Easter weekend trip, they drove south of Wollongong and Kiama (New South Wales) to Jervis Bay. They shared a few pictures with us.


Maher, Celina and Tay

Celina and Tay are the two darlings - and who's grandchildren are not absolutely adorable?! - I will spend time with in just a few days!

I can scarcely believe I am returning to Oz! Though thoughts of the trip - Des Moines to Denver to San Francisco to Sydney in about 25 hours - give me collywobbles (Di, I'm grateful you taught me this perfectly descriptive word!) being with this family, these children, again will be wonderful.

Have I mentioned yet... I am so blessed to get to go to Oz again!


  1. Hope you have a relaxing and safe journey, Linda! The weather is beautiful at the moment. Not too hot!
    Lovely photos!

  2. Wollongong is where I live, very very north though so I know the areas they went to well. That's a whole lot of travel, have a great trip.

  3. You're going to be fine!

    Your grandkids are gorgeous!

  4. Linda,
    I hope you are having a fabulous trip- your bag arrived safely today at my home. It is gorgeous- I love the beautiful quilting that you did in the pretty pink thread.
    Thank you oh so very much- you do terrific work.
    Warmest regards,


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