
Monday, October 26, 2009

More Nana Flaunting

Tay is our first birth grandchild. While I'm definitely enjoying being around a baby again - he's just four weeks old - and I'm trying to be helpful, jetlag makes me practically worthless in the evening. But starting at about 4:00 a.m. watch this Nana at work!It's a pretty tough assignment.Sometimes it's not all peaches and cream. Even I have days like this!
Celina left this on my pillow. She reminds me that I'm loved, and I'm "the best." (See that, Bapa?)
It's been been rainy and a little cool-ish here, so we haven't ventured out much. But when we do, I'll share a little of Sydney with you. It's a city full of interesting sites and beauty. Oh, it's a "pinch me" moment. I can't believe I'm here!


  1. What a beautiful little boy! Enjoy every minute you have with your family...I am so happy that you have made it safely!!!

  2. What treasures your little grandchildren are, Linda! I'm sure you'll cherish that pretty 'love letter' for years to come.

  3. Welcome to OZ Linda! Flaunt all you want, that baby is beautiful! Celina sure is a fantastic big sister.

  4. Linda enjoy this visit as I enjoy your postings about you and your family.

  5. 4a.m.? Linda, I don't think its jet-lag, or being a Nana (don't you just love being a Nana? Its got to be the best job in the world.)
    Don't know about Sydney but its barely light up here at 4a.m.

    Enjoy the Grandies and your time in Sydney

  6. So sweet! Hope jet lag doesn't last too long.


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