
Sunday, October 25, 2009

In Oz!

I made it! After a late-departing flight from Des Moines; snow in Denver that left me only 15 minutes to run from gate 75 to gate 22 (arriving in time, but panting desparately due to the high altitude); and a God-ordainted, enjoyable 14 hour flight from Los Angeles to Sydney - my seat was next to two quilters from Ballarat, Australia, who were returning home from their 16 day holiday in Houston at the International Quiltfest! (Oh yes, we found a couple things to chat about.) - I arrived with both checked bags (incredible) and in a record-breaking short trip of 24 hours!

The best part was waiting at the gate for me. There I swapped my carry-on bag for a three-week old bundle of joy, our new grandson, Tay.

Big sister, Celina, is already teaching him the pleasures of Dr. Seuss: "Green Eggs and Ham."
Tay in his pram with one of the quilts I made for him.And here he's sleeping beside the koala whatch-call-it I made similar to "Bambino" by Melly & Me. Precious.
Stitchin' Mission #19 began today today too! This is the good life. No, it's the best life!


  1. Darling photos! He is such a cutie! And Celina is absolutely charming. Enjoy your week with them.

  2. Glad to see that you made it safely, your grandson is beautiful...(I loved watching my babies sleep, truly angels they are!) hope you have a wonderful visit!

  3. So glad to hear you made it to Oz just fine.
    And how cool to get to talk with some quilters who had been to Houston. I am sure that made the time go faster.
    Look at big sis reading to her brother. That is so sweet. And I remember the quilt. He looks so happy in it.

  4. So glad to hear you made it to Oz just fine.
    And how cool to get to talk with some quilters who had been to Houston. I am sure that made the time go faster.
    Look at big sis reading to her brother. That is so sweet. And I remember the quilt. He looks so happy in it.

  5. Jealousy is a sin, right?? Darn it. Just wishing I could be in warm OZ with you! Enjoy your time, Linda...

  6. Good to hear you arrived safely in Oz and met finally Tay! He is so cute I would love to hug him.


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