
Thursday, February 27, 2025

QuiltCon in Review: 2

With so many quilts displayed at QuiltCon and the fact that I took photos of quilts in 11 different categories! - it's difficult to determine which ones to share here on my blog. However, since handwork is one of my favorite pastimes, when not piecing or machine-quilting, what you'll see next are some handwork quilt that captured my attention.

You can always depend on Jen Broemel @jen.broemel (Indianapolis MQG) to make a showing at QuiltCon. Three of her quilts were displayed in the handwork category!

This is Follow Soft the Sun, and it's 48" X 48".

Several of us discussed her construction method, and weren't quite able to figure it out. There's always a layer of netting (tulle, or mesh) under the hand stitches.

Even from the back, it's not easy to determine her process. Her signature style is to leave lots of dangling, knotted and uncut threads on the back.

Still Blood Boils is 72" X 48".

Fire's Breath is 72" X 72".

Seen from the back, it's apparent Jen used the same construction method for all three quilts. 

Marla Varner @pennylanequilts created Vote that's 62" X 51. She happened to be white-gloving in the area, so I captured a picture of her with her quilt. 

Quattro is 72" X 72" and was made by Simone Symonds @salty.plum a member of the Melbourne MQG, Australia. 

This is, perhaps, my favorite quilt in the handwork category. City Limits is 58" X 58" and was made by Tanya Tanti @tanya_tanti_artist who's also from the Melbourne MQG, Australia. 

She used a combination of domestic machine quilting and hand quilting. 

Last, but not least, is the work of Julie Rueben @b_plus_q whose creativity I follow on Instagram. This is Arches, measuring 54" X 45" that won first place in handwork. 

Her dense quilting with perle cotton, is always impressive. 

I'm pretty sure the Wonderfil thread company loves her to bits!

I very much enjoy handwork myself, and shopped QuiltCon vendors to buy five more balls of #8 Wonderfil Eleganza, and I treated myself to a boxed collection of Jo Avery's favorite Aurifil Wool. I'm not loyal to a thread brand; I just know which ones are the "good stuff." Linda


  1. Love seeing these hand-stitched quilts in more detail. Thanks for sharing!

  2. They are certainly interesting hand quilted works of art.

  3. I really enjoyed seeing the details in the handwork category. It's something I admire greatly but don't aspire to do. I like Jen Broemel's work and admire her unique style, but I don't agree with QuiltCon allowing three quilts from the same quilter in the same category. I'd like more variety and more opportunity for other quilters to show their work.


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