
Saturday, September 14, 2024

Pot Luck Finish

I've been tinkering in the sewing room all week, not accomplishing a whole lot. Though happily, I did finish Pot Luck. I don't have any pretty, styled photos of the quilt, but this is what it looks like pinned to the design wall - pinned because it's pretty heavy! Guess all bound blocks added extra weight to this 56½" X 56½" modern improv potholder quilt. 

As you can probably see, instead of binding the outside edges, I faced them (Thank you Patty @elmstreetquilts for your suggestion!)

Here's the back of the quilt, which is almost as interesting as the front. I like those spots where a bit of Pewter solid appears in the binding. On the front, those connect to other Pewter insets. 

I have 15 quilt makers to thank for participating in this group project!
Local makers: 
  • Karen E
  • Jane G
  • JoElla M
  • Betty S
  • Rosemary V
Out-of-town makers:
  • Cassandra B
  • Kathy C
  • Maureen D
  • Patty D
  • Debbie J
  • Candi L
  • Charlotte N
  • Sherry P
  • Elizabeth R
  • Clara S
I'll be taking some "good" photos soon, to submit this to QuiltCon, Phoenix. We're all hoping to see Pot Luck hanging there next February. 

As for my 100-Day Challenge to "Quilt Your Life".... these 151 blocks are being put aside for now.

That's so I can focus on the two quilt challenges I want to accomplish in the next two months! I'm actually trying to combine the challenges into one quilt. As usual, I've been struggling with my design ideas. I've drawn several designs using graph paper and colored pencils. Then I tried working-up one design in Pages, followed by trying to import and trace a design into EQ8. All attempts have ended in failure, so I may just resort to cutting out fabric to see what happens!

Anyway, I have more pressing interests at the moment. 

On Tuesday I'm doing this, virtually. I'll be speaking to the Beyond Borders chapter of the MQG about quilts I've had juried into QuiltCon. 

And then I'm going on a quilt retreat. As quilters know, there's much to prep. Supplies and projects head the list, followed by less important things such as clothing and food.

Book Recommendations
Continuing on my newfound interest in the life of Mags Munroe of Ballycarrick, Ireland, I recently finished book three in the series by Jean Grainger: Each to Their Own.

In this segment of her life, Mags is dealing with her distraught in-laws, who have reluctantly shared a revelation about their past. The ramifications impact the whole family. At the same time, Mag's and Kieran's oldest daughter is pushing her 15 year-old teenage boundaries and getting into trouble not only with her mother, but with the local garda. She has some punishment to accept and lessons to learn.

Since I've already read book #4 - Closer Than You Think - I'll next move to book #5 - Chancing Your Arm - which is the last book in the series.

Linda's score: 4.3/5.0

I don't often read non-fiction books, but after watching The Earthing Movie I wanted to know more about it. The Earthing book, written by Clinton Ober, Stephen Sinatra, and Martin Zucker, explains the science of earthing, and its health benefits, which is primarily inflammation. The book documents health improvements experience by people who are earthing (or grounded), provides the results of numerous tests, and offers testimonies from people who have successfully grounded themselves to better health. 

Linda's score: 4.4/5.0



  1. Pot Luck turned out SO GOOD! Thank you for taking the lead on this and for all your hard work on it.

  2. I think Pot Luck is so creative! And I look forward to seeing what you do with your 100 day blocks.

  3. Facing was the perfect choice for Potluck! When I view this, I'm in an airplane looking down onto a county fair. There are the buildings and a parking lot, which are all surrounded by acres of neighboring farmlands. The gray wisps are contrails made by a busy airspace. I guess you can't take the Midwest out of me!
    I know you'll create something stunning from your 100+ Quilt Your Life blocks!

  4. Congrats on the Pot Holder quilt finish! It looks fantastic and I am excited to see it in person!

  5. Great job finishing your hot pad quilt, Linda, to you and the whole quilt gang! I hope it gets in!

  6. Nice finish on your pot holder quilt. Facing was the way to go. Thanks for sharing the back.Those specs of color act like a tease about what's going on on the front.

  7. Oh this quilt speaks to my soul, the angle is just the chef's kiss. Should I read the Earthing book first or watch the movie first?

  8. Congratulations on your finish!


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