
Thursday, August 8, 2024

Time Flies

Time flies when you have company! Days whizzed past last week when our son and two grandsons from Texas came for an almost-six day visit. I love having them here.

Three extra people meant turning my sewing room into a bedroom, and that's a good time for some deep cleaning. Dust and fibers were vacuumed off the blinds and design wall, baseboards were wiped down, and every surface was generally decluttered and swiped clean. As we know, it won't last, but it's nice to have a refresh. 

Our timing for their visit wasn't the best. Between the high heat and Tropical Storm Debby we were kept from outdoor activities. It can be a little challenging for 10 and 14 year-old boys to find indoor things to do. Anticipating their visit, I bought another Lego flower set - Flower Bouquet. Both boys made flowers - roses, poppy, aster, lavender, snapdragons, daisies.

I've added them to the Wildflower Bouquet they during their last visit, so it's pretty impressive. Best; they never fade.

We played Rummikub, Uno, and Concentration; saw the movie Twisters; went to a local flea market; played indoor miniature golf, and bowled. But one form of entertainment that has been the most enduring, is playing with empty Publix yogurt cups! Who knew?!

I saved yogurt cups about ten years ago, thinking they'd be good for toddlers. And they were! Surprisingly, they're still popular!

Luke stacked 55 cups, and then, going from the top down, he quickly made stacks. He even had fun sorting them by types and flavors! Easy, free entertainment.

During down time, mostly while watching Olympics, I hand stitched (with #8 perle cotton) all of the third wedge of the modern potholder quilt, Pot Luck.

And since returning my sewing room to useable status, I sewed labels on two quilts - Prudence and Satisfaction. 

I also made blocks for the Like Totally BOM being offered through the Seattle MQG. August blocks are three inset circles.

Though I've made many inset circle blocks, I tried the new-to-me method offered in a tutorial. It involves freezer paper, a glue stick, and Elmer's school glue, and worked very well - a nice, precise way to ensure a circle sews perfectly into a hole. The inset circle tutorial is by Louise Wackerman @imfeelincrafty who also designed this Like Totally BOM

Book Recommendation
I was on a waiting list to listen to Ruth Ware's new book One Perfect Couple. For the second time, Ware disappointed me. 

The premise for this long story is that a producer is making a TV series based on five high-profile, unmarried couples - social media successes - who meet on a tropical island to face challenges that lead to determining which two people are most perfect as a couple. 

Lyla is unwillingly along for the ride, so to speak. She's a scientist and it's her boyfriend, Nico, who has aspirations of being a successful actor. One Perfect Couple is his big break; Lyla anticipates she will be kicked out within two weeks. What no one expects is a tropical storm that knocks out power and the island's desalination facility. The turmoil and anxiety that follows involves food and water rationing, and nine (remaining) distinct personalities, each one selected by the producer to create strong opinions and entertaining dissension. 

While the story itself is good, I was overwhelmed (again) by the foul language. My rough mental tally heard 87 uses of the disgusting four-letter word. Why? Also, narrator Imogene Church sounded too familiar. While she's good (according to the Internet, among the top five audiobook narrators) I've heard her too often. 

So, for the story I'd give this book a 3.6; for the language, I give it a big fat zero.

Linda's score: 3.6/5.0

I was also on a waiting list for Shari LaPena's book What Have You Done? This one was definitely worth the wait!

From the moment I began listening, I was hooked on the story of Diana Brewer, a 17 year-old whose body is found in a field near the small community of Fairhill, Vermont. Diana's boyfriend is devastated, but quickly becomes a suspect, as do several other men, enticed by Diana's beauty. While teenagers and parents try to understand who would murder such a popular, well-liked girl, secrets being kept by several people may have prompted her death. 

Excellent narration by January LaVoy, Jorjeana Marie, and Barrett Leddy made the story very entertaining.  
Linda's score: 4.2/5.0 


  1. Who knew yogurt cups could have such sustained interest! Thanks for linking to the tutorial for the inset circles; I also watched the video referenced in the tutorial. I found a photo of a circle quilt that I'd like to make someday. 30 inset string circles for a full size quilt. The picture is from a 2002 issue of Quilters Newsletter magazine. Had to rearrange the house for daughter and grandson's visit last weekend. Always a pleasure to have these all too infrequent visits, even though it takes a full day to get everything back where it was. H. Debbie to visit our area tomorrow so hopefully a good sewing day.

  2. Too bad about the weather but it sounds like you had a nice time with your family. I imagine those ages can be hard to entertain indoors for extended periods. I saved yogurt cups for my grandson to play with but tossed them after he lost interest. Perhaps I should start collecting again. Enjoy your studio once again.

  3. Wow the boys really grew up. Hope you had a great time together.

  4. Sounds like a great family time together 😻. Love your quilts on their sewing room beds! ❤️

    1. It was very nice having them here. Once a year isn't enough, but I'll take what I can get! Thanks for liking the quilts I selected for them to use. They could visit ten times a year and I could still come up with two different quilts for each visit! Yep, I have w-a-y too many quilts.

  5. Glad you had a wonderful visit in spite of the weather!

  6. Sounds like a super time was had by all! Love the yoghurt pottle entertainment, and we too have been going down the Lego flower power road with one of our granddaughters, such clever ideas. Love seeing quilts on beds!

  7. Good job on the sewing room- you'd never know it was anything other than a dorm! Glad you enjoyed your visit despite limitations. Yogurt cups- the button tin for grandsons! Those Lego flowers are a big hit, too.

  8. Nice that your grandsons came by! And great activities you planned with them! Love those Legos flowers! The yogurt cups--clever idea and your boys were creative with them, too!!!

  9. Aha! I appreciate the ideas to entertain boys indoors--I have 8 and 10 year old grandsons :D


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