
Thursday, June 6, 2024

100 Days Blocks

It's funny. Now that I've committed to making quilt blocks for 100 days (beginning June 1), and one of the 10 activities for which I make a block is posting to my blog, I'm thinking twice about posting. 😊 Ha! Writing this post means I need to make another block. 

But I also want to document the 5" X 5" blocks I'm making. After spending several days making them by trial and error, I've made notes about fabrics, how to cut them, and machine settings. I decided not to put any handwork into these blocks. 

If you recall (last blog post), the 4 F's I'm making are Faith + Friendship + Fitness + Fun

These are the two yellow/gold Faith blocks. 

On the left is the scrappy block I'll make each time I attend Bible study. Because we meet on Zoom, I thought this 25-patch represents us when we're on-screen. Each time I attend worship at Lutheran Church of Hope I'll make the block on the right. 

My worship block design was inspired by the "o" in Hope's logo.

Two orange-ish blocks represent Friendship.

Since many of my friends (but not all!) are quilters, Big Cypress Quilters, a chapter of Quilting Guild of The Villages (QGOTV), is represented by Flying Geese found in the QGOTV logo. 

Likewise, I spend time with quilty friends in Central Florida Modern Quilt Guild and the Orange Peel design, made with a Classic Curves Ruler, represents that logo.

Three pink/raspberry Fitness blocks represent (top) power walking which I do along curved streets, so it's improv-pieced; (left) doing aerobics with hand weights that look very similar to this one; and (right) line dancing in straight lines which is mostly how line dancers move. 

And lastly, these are my aqua/green Fun blocks: (left) represents my ukulele's sound hole using the same print that's my ukulele case; (right) is my blog; and (bottom) is a book read. 

In case you didn't noticed, the color bar is in my custom-designed blog header. 

I would have preferred to piece a long bar of patches like this, but just couldn't work out how to make it fit in a 5" space. So, the six colors are stacked.

I intentionally decided to create a cluster of colors for each of the four F's. Hopefully they'll be cohesive when it comes time to design the layout. 

Faith + Friendship + Fitness + Fun

Now to keep up! As of today, day 6 in June, I should have nine blocks made!

Book Recommendation
My ukulele-playing friend, Laurie, recommended Someone Else's Shoes by JoJo Moyes and she didn't steer me wrong. Previously I've read other books by Moyes, so I shouldn't have been surprised about how much I enjoyed this one. 

It all begins in a women's locker room, in London. Two seemingly identical bags - one haute couture and the other a knock-off - are mistakenly picked up the wrong women. Samantha, a Brit whose presentations to clients are crucial to keeping her job, finds red, four-inch Louboutin heels that she must wear. Nisha, a snobby American, picks up the bag with discount store slacks, and worn flats.

What follows are a series of situations and incidents that are funny and sad as each woman's real lives become apparent. We learn that Sam's husband has fallen into depression since the death of his father; and Nisha's wealthy, influential husband has, after years of marriage, blocked her from her clothes and money. When the two women meet there's going to be hell to pay! Moments of connection and understanding, and a twist that takes everyone by surprise, make this an engaging story. 

It's been a while since I enjoyed a book this much. Put it on your must-read list!  Linda's score: 4.4/5.0


  1. It was fun to see all your blocks, and how they represent different activities.

  2. I like how each of your blocks expresses a part of your life. It will be fun to see this come together.

  3. Love your collection of blocks, and the meaning behind them. Good luck with your project!

    1. Hi Rachel! How nice of you to comment! Thank you for liking the blocks I chose to make. Yes, they each have specific meaning. I only hope I can keep up! I've tackled more than I thought, and already, in just a few days, I have nine more blocks to make! It will be challenging to keep up with, and remains to be seen how they all look together when I'm finished.

  4. The quilts look great. Thanks for another good book recommendation, and for being my "library".

  5. Such an interesting idea, and fun to see your personal take on things. I too enjoyed the Jojo Moyes book, it was a nice change from all the crime stuff I've been reading lately! Just finished 'the women' by Kristen Hannah, a very thought provoking read.

  6. I'm loving the blocks, I think the most important part of the process is to document. It's totally fine if you finish the blocks after the fact. Finishing is not one of your Fs, it will happen when it happens.

  7. Enjoy this new tracker quilt, Linda. It was interesting to read about your block selection.

  8. Excellent idea for this project of yours Linda. Waiting to see how this progresses.

  9. This is going to be a colorful win! I like how the blocks are looking and how they "represent".

  10. Elizabeth of OPQuilt (just in case Blogger doesn't play well): I came over to read your latest, and then kept going, reading all the way back to Memorial Day. (Has it been that long since I've read? Too long!) But it was like a good visit with you, so thank you for being a faithful writer and sharing your interesting activities with the world. I'm adding the JoJo Moyes book to my listening list -- I always pick up a title from your books that I want to read.
    And wow! on your careful thoughts about your Quilt Your Life quilt. I love the colors you've chosen, then to read the background about each life choice was insightful and so satisfying. Good luck on your journey -- I like how you tied your motivation in with your activities, as Kitty instructs us to.
    Finally, love that Bonnie Lass quilt, and your Minimalism Quilt, and your quilting on the RWB are a hive of industry! :)

  11. Aha! I had no idea when I first heard of your 100 day challenge that the blocks were related to your actual activities. What a fun idea!


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