
Monday, April 6, 2020

Abnormal Activities

Sunday was Palm Sunday. In his sermon, Pastor Mike explained that we're not living in a "new normal," rather we're living in abnormal times.
Social distancing on my street
He said our new normal will happen when the threat of Coronavirus is over. Then we'll begin living a new way. I bet we don't handshake or hug acquaintances anymore.

He also likened these days to Bill Murray's character, Phil, in the movie Groundhog Day. Phil's various attitudes to his situation being similar to how some of us are handling each day. Go here to hear the message.

Living Proof Ministries, a Beth Moore organization, offers Bible verses to help us through these uncertain times. Go here.

When I begin to feel concerned or anxious, I read Psalm 91. Even better - Living Proof has challenged us to memorize the 16 verses of Psalms 91. Go here to print a pretty version of Psalm 91. I printed mine on card stock and have it hanging on my sewing room wall. I'm challenging myself to memorize four verses a week. Will you join me?

Utilizing Technology
Dan continues to engage with two of our grandsons. Over the weekend, he and Tay made Beer Bread.  Our daughter says beer bread is the same as camp bread, in Australia. The family loved it.

On Saturday, which would have been the occasion of our family and friends celebration of our Dad's 90th birthday (he'll be 90 on Tuesday, April 7), we had a Zoom party. It was my first Zoom event, and it was great! Dad was there, along with my two siblings, our two kids, our five nieces and nephews, spouses, and Dad's 13 great-grandchildren... though a few were camera-shy. 

Toward the end of our visit, we joined to sing Happy Birthday!. Though with the audio delay, it was more of a jumble... but still lots of fun. I hope we do this again. 

Uhm... are you doing this more frequently?

We haven't gone to the grocery store for 18 days, and counting. We've got enough stock in the pantry for meals, but we're nearly out of milk. No fresh produce, so we haven't made fresh-pressed veggie juice since March 17. My body misses it; hot flashes have returned. My yogurt and coffee creamer will be gone by Wednesday. Still, we plan to hold off. First, because we've been told this is the week not to go, and second, I really don't want to go.

Face Masks
It seems now that even the face masks that are made from quilting cotton are acceptable. This is part of an article in the New York Times on April 5. 

Not a single batik at my house, but I've made face masks from "quilter's cotton." You might guess who's is who's.

At Elizabeth's @OccasionalPiece recommendation, I followed the free pattern from Orange Dot Quilts. I like it for the way it wraps around the chin, and there's a definite outside/inside. I didn't use quilt batting, but a fusible, non-woven interfacing.

One important note: If you make this mask using a directional print, instructions don't indicate which way to cut out the fabric. 
Cut the 10” X 16-1/2” piece as though the 10” side is the top (or bottom) - the nose or chin. When the 10” X 16-1/2 piece is folded in half, to measure 10” X 8”, the 10” side is the nose/chin, and the 8” measurement is the sides, toward each ear. 
Usual Activities
Daily, I'm in my she-cave, and am very grateful for that! I've come across quite a few makers - quilters, sewists - who have been tossed into an emotional, Coronavirus tail-spin that leaves them unable to find direction.

My thinking is: I'm not helping anyone by not doing something I love. So, I sew.

I've joined the Boulder MQG Improv Challenge to make three blocks a week following their chapter prompts. Since they suggest making the challenge personal, I've given myself the following rules.

Three blocks for each prompt that are:
1) pieced from solid scraps
2) yellow or gold in each block
3) at least 9" X 9", to make a large quilt (to achieve my 2020 goal to make large, useable-size quilts)
4) cut only with scissors - don't use a rotary cutter or rulers

Week 1 - Half-Square Triangles

Week 2 - Stripes

Yesterday began Week 3 - Log Cabin

In March, when I gave the ruler quilting demo to members of the Orlando MQG, I shopped at The Sewing Studio where the group meets. I bought supplies to make two of a new pattern from Aneela Hoey: Kit Supply Tote.

It's large, and with a separating zipper and side gussets, opens wide to hold a lot.

I filled mine with 12 skeins of yarn. This is my in-progress, crocheted Moorland afghan.

I listened to one audiobook last week. It's so thought-provoking that I kept thinking about it days after finishing it. My cousin Barb made the recommendation, and I'm glad she did!
The book is The Harbinger by Jonathan Cahn, who is also the narrator. I checked it out from RBDigital. The book is categorized as fiction/syfi, which I find hard to accept.

Cahn is a Messianic Jew who explains that Isaiah 9:10-11 is a warning. Through nine omens - harbingers - beginning with the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack, the scripture is a foretelling of what has happened in America as our defiant country follows ungodly ways. Conversations between a modern day prophet, and Nouriel, explain how even from the founding of the United States, when George Washington gave his first speech in St. Peter's Chapel (not coincidentally, on the corner of Ground Zero) Isaiah 9:10-11 should lead us to recognize how our country has removed itself from God. This may be a fictional story, but it has many real-life connections that will make you pause and wonder if Coronavirus is another sign. God wants us to change our ways.

Linda's score: 5.0/5.0



  1. Pastor Mike is absolutely right, there is nothing "normal" about our current situation. I think when "normal" returns, we will be shaking hands and hugging close friends once again, at least I hope so. The Harbinger is such an excellent read, I immediately got up and checked our bookshelves to see if we still had our copy. We do, and I'll be re-reading it in the near future. Have you read Messiah in the Feasts of Israel by Sam Nadler? I try to re-read each chapter at the appropriate time of year. So very insightful, I think you would like it.

  2. I love your bag! It makes a perfect yarn project bag and I love how it opens wide.

    I think we will all be hugging each other when it is safe. Crazy days we are in...I have to say scary days too. I can't visit my parents and that hurts.

    Thank you for the link to the face mask. It's a type I haven't seen yet. Elastic is on its way to me though we are not going anywhere in the foreseeable future!

    1. Hello duClay Chapter of the Embroiderer’s Guild of America! Your account is set as “no-reply”, so I am unable to reply by email... but thank you for your comments. That Kit Supply Tote IS a great pattern, isn’t it? I’m glad I made two of them; the other is a gift. I can’t say I agree about hugging in the future. At the very least I won’t feel comfortable hugging until everyone has been vaccinated. By my guess, that won’t be for at least a year. Glad you like the face mask pattern. I like it better than the multi-pleated ones I’ve seen. Thankfully, I have 1/8” and 1/4” elastic in my stash, so I’m able to help family. I anticipate wearing my mask on about April 16-17. By then we will definitely need to restock groceries. As it is, I’m already doing without, and it’s no fun. Take care of yourself, wherever duClay is located. 😊

  3. Thanks for the mask link. I am going to try to make it. I have several mask patterns. I want to make each one to find the easiest one to make.
    I remember when that book came out. It truly is not a fiction book.
    I have said, "THIS is not my new normal. THIS is abnormal," since this began. We have an enemy. I think we are seeing something taking place that has almost stopped the world. This reminds me of Stephen King's movie, The Stand. Years ago when that came out it was fiction. Today? It is creepy.

  4. Love the new tote. It looks very sturdy and colourful too. It certainly feels like Groundhog Day, that’s for sure!

  5. Oh Linda, I am so glad I know you
    This blog today made me happy. I know it is frustrating, and I am losing track of the days, and yeah when you wake up, you remember, we are under lock down. I love your projects, the blocks and the bag is so nice!
    I DO go out and hunt two days a week. I go out, get the things, I wear a good face mask and gloves. I also rip off all of my clothes when I get home. I soak the entire area with lysol
    I also, go to my daddy one day a week. I clean his clothes and wipe his counters and wipe down his shower and toilet. put new sheets on his bed, etc. I go there, straight from my house, in very clean clothes, and I keep my car clean with clorox wipes.
    Yesssss, we hate this. But we pray fervently, and we are hopeful.
    I miss my grandbabies, I miss my new born baby boy, my daughters, my friends. I know you are suffering too. It is good to keep busy with various things. I am doing some paper crafting for my grand babies, I am going to "drive over and drop off" goodie boxes, hopefully this week, or next week. Also sewing, and ugh, yard work, cleaning up my gardens The guys at home depot dumped off 6 bags of dirt on the driveway for me to add to my gardens.
    I wish both of you good safe health and enjoyment with family via internets

  6. Great tote! I think hugging and handshakes will be slow to return. As an introvert I have no problem with that except for the grand children. Reading to a grandchild that is snuggled in my lap is definitely something I will continue when we can get that close again.

    You might try buying your groceries on line using either the pick up (Walmart & Target) or delivery via Instacart at Publix. We have been successful with both. The delivery option is more expensive but more convenient and the "shopper " let's you know when they have started and text questions as they shop.

  7. Your pastor's message is a good one- abnormal times heading to a new normal. And yes, people are going to be a bit gun-shy about hugs and hand shakes. When I was a child, we used to wear gloves to church- it was more about fashion then. But now, gloves might come back! I had an aunt who ran a glove shop- certainly she would not make a living from it now. We are reading Psalms 91 each day as part of our devotion. Thanks for the links- I'm off to see them. I love Jonathan Cahn books. Finished The Oracle recently. I loved it so much, that I'm going back through to highlight key ideas. Like you, I have very little interest in going to the market! Masks it is.

  8. Wow, you've done well with your pantry! Currently I make a meal plan for one week, then shop for it, so I'm only going once a week. I probably could also stretch out our provision for about a month but somehow I don't want to "deplete" my stock in case it the situation gets worst. In addition I have both kids home for the time being. My daughter, who is a teacher at an international school in Germany, has come back as she can do the online teaching from anywhere and unfortunately my son broke his shoulder while snowboarding just before this whole Corona malarky started. So he's been home for a while too as he was quite helpless. Luckily he's been healing nicely and can go back to his own place shortly. I'm not complaining, as I've loved having them here but I've been in the kitchen a lot. I love your new tote as well as the colourful afghan you're working on. Keep well my friend.

  9. It's nice to see you doing the BoulderMQG challenge. More than what I'm doing. I have so many of my own projects in the works or on my wish list that I try to refrain from doing most challenges. I was doing well until this week when another round of mask making took over. Still have a couple more to go and just couldn't bring myself to do it today. Thanks for all the links of hope.

  10. So happy you got to celebrate your dad's birthday even though it was not as planned. Good to see your family anytime.


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