
Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Cutting Action

It's been a little busy around here since returning home. Where does the time go?!

On Monday, I submitted my article about triangles to Curated Quilts magazine. For those of you who aren't familiar with this modern publication, here's the link to the website. The magazine just came into being in January, with print and digital issues available. If you think it's sort of expensive, I'm with you there, but just know... there's no advertising. Makes a difference, doesn't it? 

While I was focused on writing, I intermittently I worked on projects. For me, I've learned that I write better in intervals of time. Walking away from the topic for a while helps me look at it with fresh eyes when I return. Isn't that the way it is for us when we're working on a quilt project too?

Though I have two WIPs that are calling for attention, I'm unable to finish either of them due to needing fabric! Yikes. 

The quilting is done on "Roulette." Binding is needed, but I'm completely out of solid grey fabric. I don't think a print or any other color would look right, and I don't want to risk making it look less than I want by "making do." It's a quilt I'd like to enter into QuiltCon 2019. 

The same goes for the Bernina Zen Chic quilt along I've been participating in. I've completed all the triangles and just need to assemble the top. However, nearly five yards of fabric is required for the background! 

This is the ZenChic finished version. 

I'll have to break down and order fabric to finish these. I'm waiting for the next sale of Painter's Palette Solids at It's coming up soon!

Though I'm disappointed in myself for not using stash to complete these two projects, I also know I've used up as much stash as possible to get them to this point.

Momentary madness made me sign up for another quilt along - the Comfort Quilt QAL. It's being led by Amy Ellis of AmysCreativeSide who is also owner/editor of Curated Quilts magazine. The Comfort Quilt is from her book "Modern Heritage Quilts." 

Basically the quilt design is small and medium-size plus blocks on a background of neutrals. If you register to participate, Amy sends a link to information, including one of six size options. 

I certainly wasn't thinking clearly when I decided to make a twin size quilt! Though it's a scrap-buster, I didn't know much time I would need to spend rotary cutting! I tried to use as many scraps as possible, so cutting one plus at a time was time consuming. Conservatively, I probably spent 16 hours cutting. Likely more. For several days, my sewing room was pretty messy.

Our week one assignment was to make two test blocks. That little one is 3" finished.

For week two we're to finish cutting all the background pieces. There are a total of four sizes of background pieces. Two of them require 572 patches for a twin-size quilt. 😳 

These are all the plus pieces. I'm going with a combination of aqua and green with some random orange pluses thrown in. If I expect to keep up for the remaining six weeks, I'll need to piece a total of 246 medium and small blocks! Sheesh.

No doubt I'll have something to work on during retreat with Central Florida MQG! Ha! It starts Thursday and goes to Sunday afternoon. We'll be at Luther Springs in Hawthorne. 

Besides the Comfort Quilt, I'm pattern-testing for a friend so I have foundation paper-pieced blocks to turn into a quilt top. And I'm starting my quilt for the Inspiration Challenge at Central Florida MQG

For this challenge, we've been asked to share our design inspiration and creative ideas as we go along. At our regular Central Florida MQG meeting on July 9 everyone will share their finished pieces. This is my inspiration.

My adorable seven year-old grandson, Austin, came home from school with this piece of crayon-resist and watercolor artwork. I was completely smitten with his colors, and the graphic shapes across the design. I'm seeing an improv-pieced background with appliquéd bias tape shapes. When I told him what I was thinking to do with his design, he was pretty happy. I'm excited and can't wait to get started. Linda


  1. That's a wonderful art work Austin. It'll be a glorious quilting project for you xx

  2. Don't people understand that April, May and half of June is just for gardening in Texas?

    You are BUSY.... look forward to your progress....

  3. Austen is a great kiddo! I love his painting very much. painting is a blast.
    I love your teal-ish triangles. I like that quilt. I have made a triangle quilt with some intensely detailed triangles and I know this one will look wonderful. Great choice of color.

    I love fabric sales. Have no shame in getting new fabrics. I give away a l to ot of fabric to my friend who had a sewing school. So, I am
    trying to keep my goals and possessions in balance. Giving away fabric is a good thing too.
    I am so glad to read your blog today. Happy rest of the week. Tomorrow morning I am going to walk the one mile with my dad in the Ashby Ponds Olympics. It used to be held at the end of Summer but Summer is hot. So last year they moved it to May. This is the second May that we have had horribly hot weather, gonna be 90º
    My daddy is 94. I am bringing a cooler full of lemonade, and Gatorade, and a freezing cold squirt bottle. .... We might only walk two laps and bail. Last year I did not walk with him, it was hot, he got over heated and we ended up in the ER. So this year I am scorting him via my air conditioned car right to the venue hahahaha
    Just showing up is the most important thing!!.

  4. Sounds like you are making progress on all fronts: quilts, not buying, making little pieces of fabric out of big pieces of fabric, etc. Your crosses remind me of when I put billions of them in my Chuck Nohara quilt. I never want to make another cross again. But I probably will. You are amazing--so fun to see all that you are doing!

  5. Linda, I’m going to quilt vicariously through your comfort quilt along as I chickened out —- if I ever do it, I’ve figured out strip sizes to make 2 to 4 alike by sewing longer strips together and chopping them up. I don’t really have the time for all of those small pieces right now! I bet you’ll come home from retreat with lots of finished blocks!
    Austin and his painting are both so good looking! Fun project— he will feel so special!

  6. I love Austin's art work, beautiful and what a fun quilt it will make. You are one busy person, love seeing all your creations!!!!

  7. Hmm, having enough required background is always what gets me, too! My plan was to return to the island with a few 4 yd. lengths.........didn’t happen ~sigh~…so will have to make do! As always, love, love, love your projects! The source of your inspiration makes it twice as nice!


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