
Saturday, December 16, 2017

Good News All Around

With news this past week that I won two Instagram giveaways, and have had a quilt juried into two  quilt shows, I'm feeling very fortunate!

The giveaway wins were from Moda Fabrics, and Leila (SewnbyLeila).

For "12 Days of Christmas" giveaways, Moda offered one item for the first day; two items for the second day; and so on. Simply by "liking" and commenting on Moda's Instagram feed, I won their ninth day prize. These nine Matchbox Quilt Kits, two tote bags, and a needle case came on Thursday. I've been told that the kits sell for $14.95 each, so I am indeed fortunate!

Each kit includes a pattern, fabric, batting, backing, binding, and embroidery floss for hand quilting a 6" X 6" mini. I offered any of them to our DIL who will take three off my hands.

The spool of thread is included in the picture to show the size of each box.

Ironically, I've never made a quilt from a kit in my entire 30-plus years of making quilts! I've always been of the opinion that part of the fun of making a quilt is choosing fabrics for a design. A kit takes that pleasure away.

Leila's giveaway involved posting a picture of nine blocks from her Year of Scrappy Triangles. I posted about my blocks here. My name was selected as her winner and I am to receive some of the extra fabrics Leila is using for her own foundation paper-pieced blocks.

Lately, Instagram buzz has been about whose quilts were and were not accepted into QuiltCon Pasadena in February - #quiltconreject Apparently 1430 quilts were submitted to a jury for consideration, and only 360 were accepted. I didn't submit this year. While others are writing about they feel fine and are accepting their rejections, I truly wonder how many egos are shattered and hearts are broken.

As for the quilt shows I entered, I submitted only one quilt for consideration. My Florida quilt. Both World Quilt Florida in Orlando (January 18-20, 2018) and AQS Quiltweek in Orlando (February 28 to March 3, 2018) juried it into their shows.

This is the quilt for which I wrote a pattern, so if you like it, just click on the Florida quilt picture at the top right and that will take you to my friend's Etsy shop (DragonflyQuiltworks) where you get either a paper or electronic pattern.

Lately I've been handling the finishing work on "Florida Waves," a quilt that five of us made for the QuiltCon Charity Quilt Challenge in Pasadena. I finished hand-sewing a sleeve to the back, made a label, and now need to write a blog post about it for the MQG.

Leading a charity quilt project is a lot of work! But, doing good does you good. Linda


  1. Congratulations Linda. A great week all around. Give-a-ways are harder down here. The postage etc... so I dont bother trying. LOL!

  2. It’s always such fun to be a winner! Making a difference one quilt at a time certainly makes me feel warm a fuzzy!

  3. Fun to win eve tho the prize isn't always right up your alley. Congrats on the quilt show acceptances - what a fun quilt to enter!

  4. You are a winner in my book for more than Moda and Instagram prizes. Well deserved. Congrats on getting your Florida quilt into 2 shows!

  5. Yeah for you! Rub a little of that luck off on me please. Congrats on your Florida quilt too! It's been interesting to see the QuiltCon posts on IG. I haven't entered anything since 2015 and with each passing year have even less interest.

  6. Congrats on your Florida quilt's success! It will be a great-looking quilt in any show. I didn't enter anything into MQG--their criteria for success in entering are so amorphous, and I just didn't have the energy. Two of my quilts will be in Road to California, so that makes me dance around!

  7. PS. Congrats on being a winner!!


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