
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Holy Family

I'm not decorating for the upcoming holidays. No. I'm not a Scrooge.

Our children aren't coming home for Christmas. With great distances to travel with little ones and all the necessary paraphernalia associated with 13 month-old, 19 month-old, and 27 month-old children, it's just plain work to go anywhere. So, without the need for a Christmas tree, I pulled out my favorite seasonal wall hanging, put it in the entryway quilt rack, and called it enough.

Dilys Fronks of the UK is the designer of this 2003 piece: "No Crib for a Bed."

It's batik, and one of the few pieces where I've used decorative stitches to enhance the design.

The star rays are stitched with gold metallic thread. The horizontal line of what appears to be colorful beads is a decorative stitch made with variegated thread.

These silhouette-type nativity scenes were offered each year, from 2003 to 2006, in the magazine Quilt It: for Christmas, when it was still being published. I have the 2003 and 2006 issues. "Holy Family" is the 2006 design and I think it's my favorite. I have only a picture of the one I made; I gave it away. Someday, I'd like to sew another one for myself. 

In my mind, a nativity is the best and most significant reminder of this holy and blessed season.

A couple more of my four very special blessings...
Aesa, 13 months 
Aesa and Tay
Tay, 27 months


  1. Gorgeous quilts and gorgeous boys.

  2. Great Quilts and nice Boys! Enjoyed them.

  3. Thanks for sharing....both quilt and little boys!

  4. What a beautiful work of art Linda. And you have it right - it's not about the tree anyway. :) blessings, marlene

  5. Hi Linda
    I'm back again. LOVE the quilts - My MIL would love one. Your wee boys look so cute.
    So much to read on your blog to catch up. Will try soon. Have a great Christmas
    Sue down under!

  6. Merry Christmas Linda! Your wall hangings are beautiful.

  7. Gorgeous quilts and cute little ones..
    No tree here are away, it's more than just the tree, it's what's in your heart that counts!
    Merry Christmas...

  8. lovely! darling children--cuties. anxious to see six of my grandkiddos this weekend

  9. The quilts are wonderful and so are those precious boys. I don't decorate much for Christmas either when it's just us or we're going somewhere. I di make a little effort this year though. Have a joyous Christmas.

  10. I love the Stained Glass quilt, it says everything about Christmas I think, you don't need a tree with that hanging on your wall. Your Grandsons are gorgeous. Four of my six grandchildren will be up with their parents on Saturday, can't wait.

  11. Great photos of your four special blessings!
    And the quilts too. :)
    Merry Christmas!


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