
Saturday, December 31, 2011

2011 Collage Time!

I've been reading blog posts and see that 'tis the season for recapping finishes in 2011. Quite a few of those recaps are pretty darned impressive! Check out Snippets 'n Scraps, Jackie's StitchesOops-Lah, and Freshly Pieced... among many others. Or maybe not. They might make you feel sluggardly!

Creating my own collage turned into multiple collages so I could categorizing finishes. First, the quilts I made just because... 

My big finish, Snowflake Medallion (top left), was special because it won a blue ribbon at the Iowa State Fair, and was juried into the Pacific International Quilt Festival. Three of these quilts were given away: Jungle Friends; I Spy; and Jungle Safari (all, lower right).

Through Hope Quilters or Stitchin' Mission, these quilts were donated. So 14 quilts made, all tallied. Not too bad.

These 17 photos are of the "things" I made: potholders; purses; a mini wall hanging; a skirt; candle mats; sunglass cases; a selvage pillow; soft balls; coin purses; pouches; a pillow case; and insulated bottle carriers.

While I didn't make these two quilts, I did quilt them for friends. Lola's quilt and Carla's quilt.

Snowmen A to Zzz isn't a finish, but there's steady progress embroidering blocks that will be sewn into a quilt. Letters A through N, and the letter S are done.  

I also made blocks each month of 2011 for One Block Over, and starting making two blocks each month of the Blogger's BOM. They do add up, don't they!? Given how much traveling (by car) we did this past year - the Ozarks; Napa Valley; three trips to Florida; and nine trips to Kansas City - I think I did okay.

Looking ahead to 2012, I'm challenging myself to some finishes. In the order I expect to tackle these quilts they are:
Friendship Medallion - Quilt-along with Patchwork Pumpkin (Australia)
Circle of Geese - foundation paper-piecing
Disappearing Four-Patch - tutorial here
Roll Roll Cotton Boll - Bonnie Hunter's 2010 mystery quilt
Picket Fence
Christmas Stockings - Pat Sloan/Emilie Richards 2009 BOM
Periwinkle Star - hand-piecing/hand-applique
Candied Hexagons - hand-piecing/hand-applique
Starfish - hand-piecing
...and several more.
No doubt a few more projects will creep into the line-up, so that's more than enough to keep me busy for a year! Are you feel as optimistic as I am right now? Linda


  1. Oh no, I don't want to make anybody feel sluggardly! LOL. You have some beautiful finishes here Linda, great job! Happy new year!

  2. Very impressive list. You have set a high standard for 2012
    Happy New Year.

  3. Lots of show & tell Linda. Just fabulous. Now i've got to ask about the snowmen. Seeing them all together there has made me want to stitch them. I love snowmen. lol. happy New year. Hugs,

  4. Oh, you have so many finishes, my friend! I always find your work so inspiring, the beauty is awesome. I do hope your upcoming move is a good one. Have a happy, healthy new year~
    hugs, pokey

  5. I don't know if I'm more impressed with your collages or with your productivity this year!! How fun to see it all together.

  6. wow! brilliant productivity in 2011!

    Glad to see that Candied Hexagons is on your 2012 list!! that should probably be on my "finish" list!

  7. Wow, you sure did do a lot last year. Well done.

  8. Oh Linda! I was hoping you would do a post like this!! I love it, your projects are wonderful!


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