
Monday, November 14, 2011

Friendship Medallion - Part 5

The first five parts of Friendship Medallion are done and it's now 65-1/2" X 65-1/2". It's too big for my design wall, so that's why it looks a little ripply on the right side - part of it is masking-taped to the concrete wall. But boy, am I likin' this or what!? 
Friendship Medallion
If you're thinking this is a great project for stash-busting, you're right. I can now get the lids back onto a few of my fabric bins!

If you'd like to join in, do! It's free.
There are no time constraints for making this quilt, just a few simple rules:
  1. No buying fabric! Make it from your stash.
  2. Swap fabric with friends for greater variety. Hence the name "Friendship Medallion."
  3. To get instructions for each step, email a picture of your finished previous step to the Patchwork Pumpkin quilt shop.
To register, just go here to Patchwork Pumpkin. Then, Therese will email you instructions to begin making part one, the checkerboard center. 

Therese emailed me to say that quite a few people are making FM since reading my blog. The world seems a little smaller for knowing that I'm sharing this with some of you. I hope to see more FMs started in your blogs that I follow.

I have FM part six in hand. What color next? Probably blue. Then two more parts to go. Funny how it works. Each part seems to take just a little longer than the previous one.

Check out my friend Kerry's quilt at ALittleStitching. Hers is an assortment of scrappy colors. So pretty! Linda


  1. Looking good!! Did you have enough of the same background or are you allowed to buy that?

  2. The top looks great. I love the colours you've used. Hugs,

  3. Wow, your quilt is looking so good. i love your colour choices, and each colour round.
    You must be so happy with this quilt.

  4. Wow it looks great! Congratulation I wonder how you will quilt it.

  5. Linda, it looks wonderful. I haven't started mine yet. Maybe next year!

  6. I love it, particularly the center as I'm partial to those colors. I know it's a ways off, but I'm looking forward to seeing how you decide to quilt this. Lovely work, Linda.

  7. Your quilt is looking really great! Love the different colour used in each round. I wish I had enough hours in the day to tackle this one,but alas I don't - so I'll sit back and enjoy your progress, Linda :-) Well done!


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