
Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Some of our Kansas family came for a visit. Their window of opportunity for visiting, and their time with us was limited because of commitments at home, but they were able to stay for two nights. While Jill and Celina did some shopping (school begins August 17 for Celina), I happily watched the boys. 

For our Monday morning walk I intentionally headed to the high school which is under construction for renovation and an addition. Tay and Aesa were enrapt by the excavator. 
Tay and Aesa

By that evening, Tay was relating to me that the "X-cavator" could "Shovel dirt. Turn around." For only 22 months, he's a talker. I was also privileged to hear him sing the "Alphabet Song" - sorta - but he's even in tune!

At nine months, Aesa's a charmer. And his Bapa thinks so too.

While Jill and Celina shopped, I had my first ever foray into a mall play area. My day was completely made when not only did a man compliment me on the cute little boy, but that he thought Aesa was my cute boy! I hated to enlighten him.
Aesa enjoyed crawling all over, and pulling himself up. 
Tay had fun climbing "up high."
I am relishing our unexpected temperature change. Again, the a/c is off. This morning it was downright cool at 60 F (15.5 C). Hogan (the dog) and I went for a long walk in the park, and while on the trail I practiced memorizing scripture - aloud.

In January I joined Beth Moore's 2011 Siesta Scripture Memory Team where, twice a month - on the 1st and 15th - we're encouraged to memorize a Bible verse of our choosing. I was doing really well until April, when I lost my hand-held spiral notes with my first eleven verses! I've been praying to find them. I haven't, and I don't know what to do about it. Unfortunately, I didn't have them so well memorized that I can pull them out of the air. I've continued choosing and memorizing - trying to memorize. The memory team is up to the 15th memorized verse.

"Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name, under heaven, given to men, by which we must be saved." Acts 4:12 (NIV, 1984)

I know that. And since our morning walk together, even Hogan knows that! Linda


  1. You have the most beautiful grandbabies, Linda! :)

  2. Oh, and you definitely get the award for diligence in cleaning and oiling your machine!!!!

  3. Linda, they just get cuter and cuter!! I'll bet it was hard to have them stay for only 2 days!!

  4. It sounds as if you all made the very most of your short time together. I wish I could memorize bible verses, but My "forgettery" seems better than my memory these days :-(

  5. Hogan may know it out loud, but the important thing is to know it in your heart.

  6. Don't you just love Beth Moore? I find it easiest to memorize Scripture that is set to music. First Place 4 Health has CDs with verses set to music and it makes them easier to memorize.


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