
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Life AB

In a recent browse through the digital quilting magazine, Down Under Quilts, (issue #148), I read the article: "Blogging: The New Age Digital Diary." Author Sue Dennis says she's a dedicated blogger who uses her blog like a diary, to record her activities. Like her, I'm not only keeping my blog as digital record, but at the end of each year I'm creating and buying a Blog2Print hardcover book of my blog, so future generations will know a little about me.

In the article, Sue mentions several new-to-me acronyms. There's life:

BB - Before Blogging
AB - After Blogging

And these, which are the most fun:

FBB - Friends Before Blogging
FAB - Friends After Blogging (I love having FABulous friends!)
FWB - Friends Without Blogs

Last week I had the chance to meet face-to-face with a FAB friend, Tammy, from Duluth, Minnesota. We met at a local quilt shop and spent more than two hours together, finding plenty to talk about!
Me, with Tammy
Tammy blogs as Art, Alphabets and Adventure. We first "met" when I was looking for a graphic designer to create Spoonflower fabric for our church quilting group. Tammy did just that, proving herself as a skilled designer. Not only that, but she's a lovely person, as is her husband who I also had the pleasure of meeting.

What a blessing to have FABs! Linda


  1. Great post, Linda! and thanks for your comment on my blog regarding my male models holding my sister and my new bags versus the apple tree! Ha! Gotta love our men, right? xoxo

  2. I'm so happy that I FINALLY got to meet you in person! You are such a wonderful woman and I only wish we'd had more time to spend talking and looking and shopping!


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