
Monday, July 25, 2011

Easy for the Eyes

I need to wear corrective lenses. At home when I'm around my closest family members and dearest friends, I'm comfortable wearing glasses. But I have a hang-up about wearing glasses in public or for photos. I blame that on severe teasing when I was in second grade, and the first person to start wearing glasses.

Even when I wear my bifocal contacts, my vision isn't clear enough for close work. I'm making friends with readers - AKA magnifying glasses.

My favorite pair of readers came from Michael's. They were inexpensive, and did not come with a protective case. So what do us sew-ers and quilters do? Of course! Find an Internet tutorial and make them.

If you've been reading my blog for a while, you might know I collect palm tree fabric prints. What better place to use them than for eyeglass cases? Instead of putting batting between the outside and lining, I used fusible fleece. It seems sturdier, to better protect the lenses.

Finished, a reader case measure 2-1/2" X 7". 
The sunglasses case is 3-1/2" X 7". 

Since making several items using personalized fabrics: wine coasters; a name tag; and now these eyeglass cases, I wonder if any of you do the same.

If you were a piece of print fabric, what would you be?


  1. Linda, thanks so much for posting this! I was on line earlier today looking for a tute but couldn't find any I like - this is perfect! I showed my husband, and he said, oh, good, you can make me one, too! I want to start right away but it's 1:30 a.m. and I DO need to get ready for work in a few hours! xo

  2. What a great practical idea. Between the reading and sunglasses we could all use a few cases.
    Pencil me in as a piece of gorgeous William Morris fabric, just because I love it.

  3. Great idea with the fusible fleece ( which I have never used btw)! If i were a fabric...hmmm.....probably a polka them and they go with everything. I myself, try to be versatile, you know!!

  4. I'm so glad you posted this - I need a new eyeglass case so I'll just make me one. :) And if I were fabric I'd be a reproduction, like civil war era. I always thought I'd love to wear those dresses with the big skirts. :) blessings, marlene

  5. Those are BEAUTIFUL!!!!! I would definitely be pink... some type.. maybe like my blog background -- and cheery :)

    Hope you have a great week!

  6. Great idea Linda. I too should wear glasses - bi focals but I admit it - I am too vain, so I struggle with glasses on and off, and drive everyone around me mad, çause I'm always looking for them!

  7. Great idea.
    I don't know what I would be but I know I would be pink fabric!

  8. Joining the conversation more than a year late! :) I just saw a bit of traffic come to my blog from this link and it made me smile to see that you'd used my tutorial! :) I'm so glad they turned out well for you and I agree, had I have had fusible fleece on hand I would have used that - it is the best for projects like these! :) Anyhow, you made my day here! Happy sewing!
    PS If I were a fabric I'd be a really bossy/loud/multi colored print like Anna Maria Horner's fabrics. :)


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