
Monday, June 27, 2011

Winning Weeks

Woo-hoo! I'm on a roll! Where's the nearest place to buy lottery tickets? In the past few weeks I've won two giveaways, and the prizes have been fabric - the best kind of giveaways to win! 

Over the weekend I received an email telling me I won a giveaway through Kool Beenz. My prize is a $25 shopping certificate to the on-line quilt shop, Skye Reve Fabrics. Thanks April and Natasha!

I was the lucky May winner of the "big prize" for the monthly FNSI (Friday Night Sew In - see link at right). From Minnesota, Heidi sent me this book, and two fabric packs - a Moda "Me and My Sister" charm pack, and a Moda "Frolic" mini pack. Thank you, Heidi!

Almost as good as a prize, was receiving fabric for the for the latest MQG challenge. As one of the program-education-swap-challenge co-chairs for our Des Moines Modern Quilt Guild (DMMQG), I'll cut and divide this bundle of eight "earthtone" prints. They're from Free Spirit's "Habitat" collection by Jay McCarroll. At our July 21 DMMQG meeting, fat eighths will be distributed to 13 challenge-takers. We have until September to put together a quilt made only with these Habitat prints, and solids.

Solids! I need more colors of them! Through a favorite on-line store, Marmalade Fabrics, I purchased several Kona solids - khaki, mocha and spice, among others. I also picked up these luscious Anthology prints. For no apparent reason, these days I'm attracted to orange. And when it's paired with gray? Irresistible! Tangerine Kona solid goes fabulously with these.

Marmalade Fabrics also drew me in with these Outside Oslo home dec (canvas-weight) prints for a new bag. While at the eye doctor's office I saw a woman carrying an unusual bag that I quickly sketched. I hope to make my own version. You'll be the first to know when I do!

I'm trying to keep myself from taking off on new projects because my big "Snowflake Medallion" quilt is nearly finished. It just needs blocking, binding and a label. It's been so long since I've had a big finish that I'm looking forward to that luscious and unusual feeling!



  1. Wow...look at you go! Congrats on all your great goodies!

  2. Ummm...nice! You are one lucky gal. I love the orange combo you have there. It looks delicious. :) Your 'big finish' is anticipated by all. I can't wait.

  3. Congrats on your win. That's always fun. I love the fabrics you won and the ones you purchased. Your Modern Quilt Guild will be fun, and I'll look forward to seeing what you all make from your selection.

  4. What a great week you've had! I must admit those orange fabrics are really very pleasing on the eye (and I normally don't care a bit for otrange). I can't wait to see your beautiful Snowflake medallion finished :-))

  5. Aren't you just the lucky one!
    LOVE your Snowflake Medallion quilting. Did you do it freehand or draw a pattern. I would love to learn to do feathers like that.:-))

  6. Congrats on the wins! It's always fun to have the mailman bring something good.

    The shop you linked to has a great price on Kona solids. Thank you!

  7. oooo Lucky you! :) I love love LOVE the anthology fabrics too!

  8. Lucky you! Love all the new fabrics, especially the orange ones. Those Habitat fabrics will make into something extra special.
    Your Snowflake quilt is gorgeous. can't wait to see the whole thing finished. Beautiful quilting. What a talent to have.

  9. Your snowflake is an amazing quilt. How satisfying to have such a beauty finished. Love the Outside Oslo home dec!!!

  10. Happy for all your goodies. Can't wait to see Snowflake Medallion - I know it's going to be awesome!

  11. Great fabric wins! And your Snowflake quilt is gorgeous! blessings, marlene


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