
Sunday, March 27, 2011

Postponed Indefinitely

For more than a week, I have spent many hours cutting and making all the samples and examples needed to record a five lessons series of Stitchin' Mission beginner quiltmaking lessons. By my calculations, I've cut out enough fabric strips and blocks, and sewn enough strip-sets and quilt tops to make seven 36" X 48" quilts!
36" X 48" Stitchin' Mission "Noah's Ark" quilt - fabrics courtesy of Michael Miller Fabrics
As well, four dear friends volunteered about 20 hours of their time - each! - to plan, prepare, and rehearse for the approximately eight hours of DVD content.

We worked out a master plan, determined props, wrote copious notes and made test recordings. Though we encountered glitches along the way, we seemed to be making progress.
But when we realized two days of recording would be required instead of one, and a technical difficulty arose with the sound... and then found that the cost of appropriate post-production editing software was as much as the entire budget, it became clear that the $1,000 grant received last August was insufficient for this project and that changes were needed.

After several confabs and much discussion, late last Friday the difficult decision was made to put the entire project on hold. While no one is ruling out the possibility of overcoming the problems - with a different recording location (a muted environment so a single videocamera can be used to simultaneously record video and audio) or with different post-recording editing software - for the time being, all the work is being packed up and put away.

Every part...

every piece... 
Tied quilt with basted edges ready for teaching binding.
every mini quilt...
12" X 12" mini quilt for teaching how to hand sew a binding
19" X 19" sample of walking foot quilting - in the valley; cross-hatch; channel; echo 
... and my sewing machine, and quiltmaking tools and supplies will come back home. I'm ready for a breather from the stress of trying to making this DVD happen, but I will continue to pray about the best use of the grant. I very much appreciate the encouraging comments and support you've already expressed for Stitchin' Mission and this DVD.

For now, spending time on a personal project sounds very nice.  Linda


  1. Sorry to hear about the setback Linda. I'm sure you are a bit disappointed, but with all work you've done up to this point,you do need a break. I'm positive that the grant would have never came your way in the first place if it weren't to be used somehow. A new window will open up and things will become clear again...all in good time!

  2. I'm sorry about the setback, Linda, as I know you were so excited about making the video. As "In Awe of Applique" said, I also believe that you got the grant for a reason which is yet to be revealed. Hang in there.

  3. I'm sure this was a disapointment, but as the girls above said! God works in mysterious ways, and in his own time. You will achieve what he wants you to achieve and he will supply the means. Maybe someone in blog land will read your post and decide they can help in some way, like suppling the recording and studio time for free.
    On another note, maybe you could email, phone, or in some other manner communicate with others who have made dvds...Like Leah Day at The Free Motion Quilting Project blog. Just a thought.

  4. Perhaps, when all is said and done, you'll reflect back to this little hiccup and be able so say it was a blessing in disguise! ~karen

  5. I don't think most people realise all the time and effort, not to mention cost, which go into making videos. I know that I certainly didn't. Fingers crossed for the resourses coming your way soon to complete this prtoject.

  6. Sorry to hear of the setback Linda. All that work you certainly deserve a rest.
    All will become clear as to how to use the grant so 'just let be' and the answer will be revealed to you.

  7. Linda, I'm so sorry to hear that you have to postpone this project. I know that you are in Stitching Mission with your full heart and I hope for you that there soon will be a solution to your problem.

  8. so sorry it did not work out. I know that the Lord will give you a vision for your mission.


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