
Monday, March 7, 2011

In Tampa

Dan returned home with Hogan the dog, and I stayed behind in Tampa to spend more time with family, particularly, grandson Austin. Driving from the beach, this is the Tampa skyline from the south, on the I-275 Franklin Bridge. 

I'm spending more than a week here, just a block from downtown Tampa.

More beautiful palm trees. 

During a 15-minute walk to the grocery store, here are a few of my views. Not bad at all!

I could almost believe I was again in Sydney, Australia if there were ferries - there are none.

I don't think Darling Harbour (Sydney) has manatees either.

Also, I saw only kayakers here; in Sydney it's mostly rowers.

Some tourists were preparing to see the area, practicing how to use a Segway.

This cute little man has been my daily job... well, half-day job.

Every day at noon I walk about a mile (1.6K) to Austin's daycare, pushing an empty stroller. You should hear some of the wisecracks from other pedestrians who've told me I am missing my baby! We come home so Austin can play, drink a bottle, take a nap, and spend time together until Austin's parents come home from work.

Just like it's tough being a quilter on vacation, it's rough duty being a Nana on vacation.


  1. Sounds like you have a nice balance of you time and Austin time. He is a beautiful little boy and glad you got a little bit of extra time with him.

  2. What a handsome little guy you get to spend time with every afternoon! Enjoy that great weather and beautiful surroundings.

  3. What a beautiful place Tampa is, Linda. And remarkably like Sydney! I love your photo of little Austin - so nice to see this serious little fellow smiling for his Nana's camera (I wonder what you had to do?!?!).


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