
Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Year in Review

When one of your life's passions is creative sewing, and the name of your blog is Flourishing Palms, it's healthy to pause and look at what you've done in the previous year. Even if you haven't met the expectations you set for yourself, reflection is worthwhile. 

Some of you may recall I vowed to fulfill a "Ten in '10" commitment to make and finish ten quilts. Admittedly, not all of those ten quilts were finished, but, it's still satisfying to look back at the quilts that were made.

Row 1: to a nephew; to a grandson; to a grandson

Row 2: to a grandson; to a grandson; for a quilt auction

Row 3: group quilt for a sick child; for a child in a Nigeria orphanage; for Stitchin' Mission

Row 4: all for Stitchin' Mission

Row 5: for an embroidery swap; for myself; for a yet-to-be-selected little girl

A few other finishes include:
  • Snap bags, zipper bags, origami bag, Beebe bags; embroidered bag; Schlep bag; Prendy Girl bag
  • denim slippers
  • six skirts
  • travel pillow
  • pillowcases
  • valance, and two arched window covers
  • four infant "loveys"
  • two notions organizers
  • bow tie blocks for a group quilt
  • a dozen bottle cap ring pin cushions (Tutorial on menu tab above.)
I visited Sydney, Australia, for the fourth time (Who's counting besides me!?)
I welcomed two new grandsons into our family!
Six UFOs were worked on too:
  • Snowflake Medallion
  • Snowman A-Z embroidery
  • Candied Hexagons
  • Periwinkle Star
  • Joseph's Coat
  • Roll, Roll, Cotton Boll
Guess it was a productive year after all! Hmmm. Makes me wonder what finishes I'll be reflecting on by 2012. Well, I'm sure not going to create a set-up for disappointment by listing what I'm going to accomplish this year. I've tried that and it doesn't work for me. Instead, let me wish you and me a Satisfyingly Productive 2011. For me that means not only spending time on UFOs, but using up older fabrics in my stash to downsize my sewing area.

What does Satisfyingly Productive mean to you?


  1. Great've been a busy lady! I especially like the second quilt in row two. Is that a MO pattern? I'm also hoping to use up some of my "oldies but goodies" in 2011!

  2. Well done on all the finishes. Hope this coming year is as productive for you. You surely finished way more that I managed to. LOL.

  3. You did get a lot done this past year. My favorite was the green quilt with the embroidered lake and trees. I don't think I told you but I did order 2 of her patterns when you sent me the info. I really want to make them this year.

  4. You got a 'ship load' of projects completed! I have to agree, listing them doesn't motivate me either. I hate being told what to do, even when it's me doing the telling!!!LOL Did you know I was stubborn as a mule?


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