
Monday, January 31, 2011

Skirt Reduction

Last August I used my favorite Route 66 skirt pattern to upcycle six pair of my husband's jeans into this 12 gore skirt. Other than the skirt being heavy - that denim weighs a lot! - I have really liked it.

Fast forward to January, and I'm happy to say I've lost 16 pounds. I did so intentionally, pretty much by removing carbohydrates from my diet. No-nos include bread, muffins, pasta, rice, cookies, bars, and popcorn. This regimen worked well enough that two weeks ago, when I had my annual check-up, I learned I'd shaved 31 points off my overall cholesterol total. I'd previously been told to "watch it," and this report was "excellent." What an unexpected health bonus!

On the down side, a weight loss means my clothes don't fit as well. and "alterations" is an eleven-letter word I detest! But refitting this skirt was easier than I expected. A 12 gore skirt can be made into an 11 gore skirt!

Unstitch the seam with the invisible zipper, and the next seam over. Remove the gore. Then resew the seam and one side of the zipper. A few inches of the facing had to be unstitched, cut away, and resewn too, but the whole thing took much less time than I expected.
I'm sure a fashionista would say an 11 gore skirt is a bit odd, but I think this one's gonna work for me.

As for several other Route 66 skirts that have gores with different fabric prints... well, those will need a little more attention because each gore will need trimming. I dare not climb up from this weight. This is the year for my 40th high school reunion!


  1. Congratulations on throwing away a gore! :) I'll bet that felt really good.

  2. 11 is good Linda - my daughter is a trained florist and they always work in odd numbers - she said it looks better in an arrangement - so it should work for a skirt.

  3. Good for you, but I aam worried a good wind might take you away!

  4. Oh good for you! I'm thinking like Patty though, be careful the next time you come to Kansas and experience our wind!

  5. Well done Linda. What a great result after all your efforts. Bet you don't mind a bit having to alter the skirt a size smaller. Now if you had to add a panel that would not be good news.

  6. I too have lost some weight and took up slacks until I can't take them up any more! That's the down side of losing weight. However, the upside is the healthier body and spirit and that's worth buying a few new things. :) blessings, marlene

  7. Wow, that's impressive!! Time to go shopping. :)


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