
Wednesday, January 12, 2011


When I go to the trouble of rearranging my sewing area to put my hollowcore doors across sawhorses for pin-basting, it makes sense to sandwich and pin-baste all my quilt tops. Four of them are ready for FMQing. 

So many safety pins were needed for four quilts that I had to borrow some from a friend!
I'm ready to quilt this 32" X 49" Jungle Friends.

Snowflake Medallion was basted a while back (Eeks, I just checked, and it's been in this ready-to-FMQ state since June!) but is on the soon-to-start-quilting list. It's 80" X 80" with wool batting.

Two basted quilts are 48" X 60", one with flannel as batting and the other with Mountain Mist White Rose (my favorite) batting. In March, these Stitchin' Mission quilts will go to an orphanage in South Africa.

Have you been shoveling snow? If you live in the US, you probably are. Yesterday and today, 49 US states had snow on the ground. Only Florida is without snow. Here in our region of Iowa, on Monday we received 7.7 inches (19.5 cm).

In Australia, citizens of flood-stricken Queensland are mourning their dead, and suffering through tragic losses of homes, cars, and possessions. A Youtube video of a fast-rising river in Toowoomba makes one realize how quickly the water changed peoples' lives. My soul weeps for them, and the terrain of that beautiful country. I can offer only my earnest prayers for their relief. May God pour His perfect love into every place of sadness.

If you're inclined to help, my friend Jenny at Elephanz is auctioning two of her stitchery quilts to raise funds for flood relief.


  1. Haven't you been a busy girl! Four quilts all ready to mavchine quilt.

    Yes, it is terrible news from Australia. Kiwis and Aussies consider themselves cousins and always ready to help each other in times of need.

  2. Wow, I bet your fingers are very sore from all that pinning! I hope that you are doing a simple stipple or something on the small quilts. The video was! My heart goes out to them all.

  3. that's a lot of basting!
    I have to admit that basting is not my favourite thing! I can understand wanting to do as much as possible in one go!

    It has been truely incomprehensible watching the QLD floods. It's hard to conceive of water that is literally more than twice my height.....

  4. That snowflake medallion quilt is looking sooooooo good! Perhaps this might be the year I finish mine - you never know :-)) So much snow in your country right now. Gosh it must be so cold for you all, and I know the reality can't be nearly as romantic as it looks on the tv. Thank you for caring about the Aussies in trouble with our floods.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Oops! I meant to say your Snowflake Medallion quilt...not your blog name. It is gorgeous!

  7. Hi Linda, it looks like you have a lot of FMQ to do. The Snowflake quilt is beautiful. So much heart ache in Australia. Is the flooding in the area of your friends?


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