
Thursday, January 27, 2011

Lotsa Binding

After FMQ three quilts, it naturally follows that I have a lot of binding to make and apply. Whenever possible, I like to prepare my binding (cut 2-1/4" wide) long before quilting a quilt. Otherwise, I'm inclined to accidentally use designated-for-binding fabric in some other quilt top. 

I really like to sew binding to a quilt with a walking foot. With a regular sewing foot, binding tends to snug-up as it's sewn around the quilt sandwich perimeter.

Besides using a walking foot, I prefer to sew binding to a quilt in a way that's not your usual "sew-around-the-perimeter." I like to sew binding to a quilt in four separate strips, just like sewing a border to a quilt center. This way nothing snugs-up. Instead, each binding strip is cut to fit the quilt, and sewn to each side separately. Your finished quilt lays flat.

I also like the fact that I can machine-sew the four mitered corners, instead of hand-sewing them.
If you've never tried this method of sewing binding to a quilt, you should! Long-time readers of this blog know that I advocate using this method. I've never been successful at sewing to join a binding's beginning and ending tails off the quilt, hoping they'll be flat when they're sewn on the quilt.

This binding method avoids all that because joinings occur only at each corner.

After you've machine-sewn each of a quilts four binding corners, all you need to do is flip over the corner and use a stiletto to pull out the point. Presto! A finished corner, front and back.

My binding tutorial is available here, and I've been told it's understandable. I hope you'll give it a try.

These are the bindings that await my hand sewing. Looks like some nice, warm TV time for me!


  1. Wow! This binding method looks great. I can't wait to try it. Thanks! :)

  2. I'm going to try your method because I also have a hard time joining the two tails on a regular binding!

  3. I've never seen anyone do corners the way you do. I belong to two quilt guilds/bee. I hope you don't mind me sending the link to your blog and tutorial to our newsletter people? If it is a problem let me know.
    Thanks for sharing another wonderful quilt tutorial with us :o)

  4. I will give your way a try - I usually do mine in a continuous piece - works okay but your way doesnt have the joins. I like doing binding - its exciting to sit and handsew it down as you know the quilt is nearly done. Im doing a domestic machine quilting class all this year - I know the basics but keen to learn the clever bits.

  5. Wow, Linda, not only have I never done binding this way, I've never even heard of it! I'll have to check out your tutorial and give it a try sometime! Is this your original idea?

  6. Dear Linda,

    Thank you SO much!

    This is what I love about quilting. After years and years of doing it (and thinking I know everything--NOT--lol), I still learn something new every other day.

  7. Your binding method is neat. Thanks for showing us!

  8. I also have trouble with the binding ends so wi;; give your method a try next time. Thanks for showing.


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