
Thursday, January 20, 2011

Donated Bolts

When a box arrives looking like this, it's certainly cause for celebration and thanks!
After I mailed a letter of inquiry to Michael Miller Fabrics, asking if they would be willing to donate fabric to my Stitchin' Mission ministry, I was extremely grateful for the response I received. Yes!
These are the fabrics I requested to make Noah's Ark quilts. Isn't that "Messy Hands" print a great focus print?

I have enough yardage to make approximately six Noah's Ark quilts. I'll need that many in various stages of completion for recording the Stitchin' Mission beginner quiltmaking video. That happens in late March. This video will be made with the $1,000 grant many of you helped Stitchin' Mission win when you voted in the Dream Big Grow Here contest last August.

Now that I've found a willing videographer, and received this fabric gift from Michael Miller Fabrics, I have no excuses for putting off the next step: preparing the script that the videographer and I will use on the day of recording. I think we're headed the right direction.

Thank you, Christine in marketing at Michael Miller Fabrics. You're the best!


  1. What a great blessing! And those fabrics are beautiful. Good luck getting everything ready for your video!

  2. How exciting and yes, a blessing! Looking forward to hearing more about it.

  3. Awesome! And such child-inspired fabric. A true blessing from MMFabrics.

  4. That is fantastic. Another answer to prayer!! The fabric is great.

  5. Great to receive all these fabrics. The one with the dots is my favorite!

  6. Congratulations on the donation! I know you'll make good use of it and that fabric is going to make some happy quilts!

  7. The fabric is amazing, and I do love the focus fabric,



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