
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

More Rollin', Pressin' and Sewin'

The "Roll, Roll Cotton Boll" mystery quilt project hasn't gotten the best of me yet!
I've completed the first four steps. 
Step 5 is making 600, 2" X 2" (unfinished) half-square triangles. My engine is quickly losing steam. 

I haven't even come close to cutting out half of them, and they all need sewing, pressing, and trimming. 
How does a designer find the time to design a quilt, make the quilt, and write a tutorial? I'm in awe.

I must assume that:

  • she isn't married
  • doesn't have children or pets
  • doesn't do housework
  • and, doesn't cook.
Step 7 will be released Christmas eve. I must also assume she has elves to decorate her house, bake cookies, and select and wrap gifts.

Being a quilt designer sounds like
the life.


  1. ROFL! Merry Christmas!

    It's funny that you mention all that, she is married, has grown kids (son) + she does cook/bake as she sometimes post recipes on her blog...ROLF! But I'm thinking that she must have elves cutting out all those danged pieces for the! Parts 1 and 2 are finished; strips are cut for Part 3...haven't started on them yet! OIY! Guess I had better get


  2. I've been collecting the clues, but haven't started the quilt. When I read 600 2" HST's!!! I wondered if I would EVER be able to accomplish this quilt!!! We'll see. I'm having fun watching from the sidelines at this point!

  3. 600 HSTs! WOW! I'd be losing some serious steam too. Happy Holidays!

  4. And don't forget the 30 red squares at the end of that step!!
    Just like Dory in Finding Nemo- Just keep sewing, sewing, sewing!

  5. Im with you. I am cutting some and sewing some to break it up a bit!! Sooooo many more to go :) Happy stitchin'

  6. 600 2" HST's!!!
    The more i read on this the more I'm thinking...I'll give this one a miss!
    Julia ♥


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