
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Four Generations

For the first time since Christmas 2007, my side of our family got together for Christmas. It's pretty incredible to see how our family has grown - to 26 people - and to know how delighted our mother would have been (she passed away in December, 2002) to have joined in. We are blessed to have our Dad with us.

Of us three kids, I'm the oldest, on the left.
These are all our children, from the oldest (left) to the youngest (right). Our daughter Jill and son Brent are on the far left. Since the only girls are the oldest and the youngest, they're referred to as "the bookends."

Here are those children with their own children.

And our Dad with his five great-grandchildren.

For the first time, Dan and I find ourselves in a new family arrangement with four grandchildren! The three boys are 15 months, 7 months, and 7 weeks. I've become quite the efficient diaper-changing expert!

Though I love each of my grandchildren, this is the fella I see least often. Austin, nearly eight months old, lives in Florida, so time spent with him is especially precious.
It's been a week of making memories, and I couldn't be happier about it.

Since Jill's six weeks post-c-section visit to the doctor, she's been given the go-ahead to physically care for (lift) her two little ones. That means my husband and I won't be in Kansas quite as frequently as we've been since September. I'm glad to return to a normal routine in Iowa, but will definitely miss seeing the little ones who always grow too fast. I've learned through all of this traveling and childcare to appreciate whatever moment I'm in. Life goes by too quickly to wish for, or wish away, anything.


  1. You have a beautiful family! I'm glad to hear Jill is doing much better.

  2. What a lovely looking family you have Linda. It's so lovely to get them altogether at least once a year and take photos. They grow up so fast.
    Hope you have a great New Year.
    Big hugs
    Sue in NZ

  3. Oh, Linda,how blessed you are, and how precious is you family! You are so right, enjoy the time we have. Keep those memories close of these past six weeks.

  4. Linda, it is so much fun to see your beautiful family. I bet your really had a nice Christmas with everyone there. Now you are getting geared up for your video soon...hope it goes well!

  5. Your family is so special. You are so blessed!
    Happy New Year!

  6. Linda - what a fantastic time for you and the family...having everyone there must be so rare.....what a joy it must have been for you all.....Rhiannon gave me a little "sign" for Christmas which the moment - this has become my phrase for the year...and I hope to be able to accomplish that and not wish time's way too precious!

  7. It is so nice to see you with all the grandkids. I'm especially delighted to see Austin on your blog. Your dad looks great, and your mother was definitely with you both in spirit and through her family. Happy New Year.

  8. All those boys! It must be testosterone overload when they all get together!!!


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