
Thursday, November 18, 2010

Life in Kansas

Our daughter is recovering well from her c-section, but still isn't permitted to drive or lift more than ten pounds. Here are a few snapshots of life at her house.

My dad, who's 80 years young, visited last Saturday. He met Aesa for the first time. We all wish our mother was still with us. She would have loved meeting her fifth great-grandchild.

A few days ago, Jill and I ran an errand together (I needed to drive her), so her husband watched the baby for about 20 minutes. Since he was working in his home office, he kept a close eye on Aesa who he briefly laid in the desk drawer! 
These photos remind me of one I've seen of myself as an infant. My parents didn't have a lot of money for baby furnishings, so for the first couple months of my life, they slept me in a dresser drawer! The drawer was removed from the dresser, and well-padded, but it makes for a good story about economic times in the 50s.
Jill and I have been imagining what her life will be like when I return home. While Celina's in school, her days will likely be spent like this.

Aesa (12 days old); Jill; and Tay (13-1/2 months old)

Tay and I occasionally spend time looking out the window, and talking about birds, dogs, and squirrels we see. Today this squirrel caught my attention.
I've heard of gray squirrels - though we don't have them near our home in Iowa - but I've never before seen an albino gray squirrel. Are these a fluke of nature? Or do they multiply with this coloring? I'm keeping my eyes peeled to see him again.

Tomorrow I'm heading home for a three-and-a-half day respite, spending a day sewing with my friends at church (Hope Quilters), and then catching up on housework and laundry before returning to Jill's house. It's a blessing to be here and a blessing to spend a few days at home. 


  1. I was born and raised in Kansas - great place to be born. I enjoy reading your blog and about your family and teaching others to quilt. When I was in high school in the 1980's my best friend's mom had a baby. She had trouble with postpartum depression and my friend and her baby sister lived with us for a month while her mom got back on her feet. I was surprised when my mom pulled out a dresser drawer for a bassinet. It is fun to see someone else mention using drawer.

  2. It's so nice that you are able to be there these days, I know they are swiftly passing. I'm glad your Daddy could come, too, and that you took the photo of them together. What a joy to have family!

  3. What fabulous pictures! The one with your Dad is certainly one you'll treasure forever. And the one in the drawer of Daddy's desk - she'll treasure that one forever. :) blessings, marlene

  4. What an ingenious daddy!! These will be fun pictures to tease them both with through the years! And about the squirrel....well, I've been wondering where "Whitey" has been. Now I know. He decided to move to the city! Haven and I have missed him lately. If it's not Whitey, it must be a very close relative...but that doesn't explain where he's been!

  5. Linda, your Dad looks so proud of his newest great-grandson. It's just wonderful to have these beautiful pictures of life in Jill's little household, especially the drawer-crib! I have heard of people bedding down bubs in a drawer, as your parents did. It certainly makes perfect sense when you think about it (especially if there's a cuddly quilt to fold up for a mattress!)

  6. The baby is so cute and the grandad looks so happy!

  7. Awww! Thank you for a lovely snapshot into your life in Kansas! Great shot of the two generations together :)


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